
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • From that time period, it was probably one of the Spider-Man games that tied in with the Raimi movies. It would have had Bruce Campbell narrating the tutorial levels, if that helps jog your memory.

    The first one had a tutorial level in a wrestling match, but the second one sounds more similar to what you described. Unfortunately, if you were playing Spider-Man 2 on a Windows PC, it means you were playing the worst possible version of a great game. The Playstation version was far superior in performance, controls, graphics, and well just about every other way. The Windows version (you can’t even call it a port, because it was an entirely different game) was developed by Fizz Factor. If you tried to play the game today, I would strongly recommend the Treyarch version on an emulator, but it might not have the nostalgia factor.

  • You know when you were a kid, playing tag, and someone would do a crazy contortion to get by you, and you just grazed the fabric of their shirt? And then you’re like, “I got you!” and they’re like, “Nuh-uh, I didn’t feel it!” and because you’re it, you have the final say. So you can either be like, “nah, you’re still in,” or, “fuck you, I tagged you,” and they have to go off and they start crying about how unfair it is for you to target them while you go easy on your friends, and everyone starts calling them crybaby.

    En passant is almost nothing like that. Almost.

  • The fact that you think “intentionally ugly” and “diversity” are the same thing is just a staggering new form of ignorant intolerance. I’m going to need a minute to digest that.

    Ok, so many question…

    Is it that you only play as characters you want to fuck? Or you only play as characters that look like you? Or is it both, and you only want to fuck people who look like you, and want to play games where that’s part of it?

    How ugly do you need to be to no longer be normal? Or is it being different from you that makes people ugly?

    Are all ugly people minorities in your mind? Like you see someone on the street with crooked teeth and a mishapen head, and you think “Your kind aren’t welcome here!” Or are there certain minorities that are ugly to you, and you think this character model looks like one of “them”? Which group is even represented in this trailer?

    I’m really curious about you. I’d really rather not be, and I’d probably be happier if I just forget you exist. You’re like a really weird shaped piece of dog shit. How were you formed? What the fuck was wrong with that dog?

    I know you probably won’t give me answers, and will probably just fall back on some tired cliche of an insult again. But on the off chance that you feel like sharing, I’d love to know more.

  • Redundancy is efficiency. No ship would operate with exactly 75 people to cover 25 stations in three shift. Either some of those stations are redundant, or you have more than 75 people. Otherwise, one illness or injury would bring down the whole system.

    A switch to shorter shifts would reduce redundancy on each shift, but each worker would get more rest and be less likely to burnout or get sick, even if they have to pick up occasional double shifts until they can take on more crew.