Totally agree with Doctorow as usual that this would be ideal, but there is NO way the US would allow that without things getting much, much uglier. Maybe we could get away with the app store temporarily but I’m sure it would get shut down eventually… unless we can convince our other allies to back us first. Unless he thinks there’s a high chance of this, I think he’s underestimating the kind of response we would face-- especially given the current climate.
As he says in the article, we’ve won some trade disputes but I doubt any of them were under an ISDS. Either way though, we do definitely need to boost our own tech sector so we have self-sufficiency if things go bad.
As a first step, we could strengthen any of our our data protection and consumer protection laws that are lower then the EU laws/regulations to bring them up to the higher standard.
Totally agree with Doctorow as usual that this would be ideal, but there is NO way the US would allow that without things getting much, much uglier. Maybe we could get away with the app store temporarily but I’m sure it would get shut down eventually… unless we can convince our other allies to back us first. Unless he thinks there’s a high chance of this, I think he’s underestimating the kind of response we would face-- especially given the current climate.
As he says in the article, we’ve won some trade disputes but I doubt any of them were under an ISDS. Either way though, we do definitely need to boost our own tech sector so we have self-sufficiency if things go bad.
As a first step, we could strengthen any of our our data protection and consumer protection laws that are lower then the EU laws/regulations to bring them up to the higher standard.
Or they could you know reverse the tariffs that caused the counter measures…