Similar to my post about Canadian web hosting a few weeks back, I’m looking for Canadian registrar(s) that you’ve personally used and wholeheartedly recommend. Ideally something with cheap transfers. Thank you kindly.
Try asking over at [email protected], you might get more responses there
I’ve been using EasyDNS for like 20 years now I think. A long ti e at any rate. They’re based out of Etobicoke.
I just switched my .ca domains to They were the chespest I found for Canadian domains. Had to contact them, they had a fast response time and they were helpful. I had a .cc domain too, but I decided I wasn’t renewing it and swapped for a .ca instead.’s been mine… uh, I think they’re Canadian
They are headquartered in Toronto but owned by parent company Tucows which are American.
I used to go directly through CIRA 20 years ago, but while very reliable, that route is also very expensive (and I’m not sure if they even function directly as a registrar still - their website suggests they do). On the plus side, using CIRA directly helps fund their operations.
I’ve used canhost recently and can’t complain - they offered fairly cheap .ca domains compared to what I could find elsewhere.
Thanks! This is who I ended up going with.
I’ve used webnames myself and it’s worked out pretty well.