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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I just finished playing X3: Terrain Conflict, and I’ll never play another X game.

    As an achievement hunter, I normally play past the point of normal enjoyment, but this game told me, more or less, to go fuck myself.

    The first kick in the nuts was completing “Dead Is Dead” mode.

    You don’t get to save (with the exception of shutting the game down, but the save will delete upon starting it back up).

    The game is prone to crashes, meaning you can have your entire save wiped in an instant because the game decides it doesn’t like it when you use the fast forward function within 10 seconds of a cut scene.

    On top of that, one of the campaigns requires you to set up a massive complex of microchips and silicon, which also has a chance of triggering a crash each time you place a factory down.

    The final 2 achievements are basically “grind until we say stop”. Which functionally resulted in me leaving my computer on overnight, four nights in a row.

    The fact that the devs left the game in this state is inconsiderate at best, and disrespectful at worst.

    Besides, the game is basically just an excel sheet simulator, it really isn’t very engaging.

  • Demonstrate it then? Show me an example of someone attempting to kill another because they drew a comic of Trump or Hitler, or were critical.

    I don’t have a right-wing media bubble. Only one of those articles was from a right-wing news outlet, but that doesn’t make it false.

    Yes, Boeing whistleblowers suspiciously died recently, and people are noticing, and are being critical of Boeing, as they should - and that’s a good thing.

  • You’re missing the forest for the trees.

    There are thousands of murders caused by right-wing ideology (Islam is also a right-wing ideology), but the difference is nobody is trying to kill me because I say Nazis are bad, or Trump is a dickhead.

    And about Boeing… The failures are not vastly overrepresented, they are represented exactly as they are. If a car manufacturer had as many faults as Boeing, then yes, they would get equal airtime. In this analogy, wouldn’t it be fucking insane if people were being killed for criticising Boeing?

  • Do you think there’s an argument to be made that Boeing’s aeroplane failures are overrepresented in media?

    What a stupid thing to say.

    I don’t need to crunch any numbers; the links are right there, the murderers EXPLICITLY state they did it because the person insulted their religion.

    I challenge you to find me more than one example of a murder which was deliberately invoked because someone insulted a holy person from another religion over the last ten years.

  • One of the biggest failures of the left is its reactionary defence of Islam (as a religion).

    Any honest criticism of Islam is branded Islamophobia (similarly to how any criticism of Israel is conflated with antisemitism).

    Regardless of whether one wants to blame the Quran, or the cultures of Muslim communities - the fact remains that people get killed in non-Muslim majority countries for trivial shit.

    I could draw a picture of Jesus sucking off Joseph Smith and I don’t need to worry about Mormons coming to kill me.