• psvrh@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    What did they expect?

    I mean, seriously, what did they expect? Capitalism gotta capitalize, and I suspect that if our economy wasn’t in terrible shape we wouldn’t be witnessing any theatrical indignation on the part of our leadership whatsoever. They aren’t angry that this is happening, they’re angry they got caught and being made to look bad and are desperately trying to get ahead of the story before they become the story.

    This is all theatre to avoid real discussions about how companies and the wealthy were not, and are not, taxed fairly. When you can make a billion in profit a year and pay your executives millions and still do share buybacks and still cut staff, employees and services while still raising prices then you have too much cash on hand.

    Tax them. Force them to either put that money back into the business, or pay it to the government. Stop letting them create Scrooge McDuck-style swimming pools of cash that do nothing.