Her birthday was last week.
A little bit of context would be in place. Does he run a drug cartel?
He runs a big company so close enough.
Very ugly car, what brand is this?
it’s the Italian volkswagen that used to make tractors
They used to make tractors???
lamborghini trattori, same founder but separate companies
Damn, didn’t know that. I didn’t even know Lamborghini made cars that look common (idk what the technical term is I’m not good at cars - sedan?) - basically cars that aren’t low.
It’s not a hypercar like most other Lamborghinis, you can absolutely daily drive an Urus but it’ll still be quite expensive to maintain even if the car itself was free. I’d imagine something like even an oil change costing 500 to 1000 bucks for this thing.
“Italian Volkswagen” hahahaha, love it.
The only one I’d have is the Miura. If I’m gonna have a tractor supercar, at least make it the originator of the concept.
I never liked these SUVs until I saw one live in London. it looked and sounded pretty nice in person
Lamborghini Urus
It’s a nice looking car… from the outside. That interior is something else!
Gives me football vibes. Maybe they’re from Brazil.
I agree, that green is freakin ugly. It’s getting an interior / exterior color change anyway.
He gave her An Itchy Urus?
I’ll see myself out.
This feels like Romania, due to the general architecture and the fact that Uruses are goto cars for the “nouveau riche” over here.
Anyway, tell her to take great care OP. A 20yo in an Urus on romanian roads ( supposedly) feels like a recipe for disaster.
You guessed right.