Yep, my girlfriend and I thought the same.
“Oh, I know how to solve our problem! We make our daughter cry!”
“But how?”
“Let’s brutally murder her toy elephant!”
A+ parenting right there
Yep, my girlfriend and I thought the same.
“Oh, I know how to solve our problem! We make our daughter cry!”
“But how?”
“Let’s brutally murder her toy elephant!”
A+ parenting right there
You can see them when you’re driving.
Jim Cummings voiced both Winnie the Pooh and the Master in Fallout.
It’s great to see a group of people this unified to reach a common goal, maybe they could try forming a union next?
She is wise to not even show him the youngling room
Damn it’s been ages since I last saw this type of comic, well done lad 👌
I want Todd to not make promises he can’t keep.
Can you post a source? I’d like to believe this but it seems incorrect considering the protein content I googled.
Lentils have waaaayyyyyy more protein to weight.
I’m not sure I understand you correctly, but lentils have ~20g protein per 100g while chicken has ~50g. Do you mean compared to grains?
Danke Brudi, da richtige ich die Tage nen Dauerauftrag ein!
I also have tightly packed teeth and can barely use interdental brushes on just some of them. What works well however are dental floss sticks, you can get them with pretty thin floss(es?) and they’re way easier to use than plain floss.
Ace Combat X, it was my first game of the series and got me hooked. It’s too bad the branching story paths aren’t really a thing in the other games except AC3 (the best entry in the series imo)
Nowadays my psp is sadly broken, the screen is showing it’s individual pixel lines with some offset or something, but hey emulation is really easy
I had a similar feeling when replaying 3, VC and SA a couple years ago. I thoroughly enjoyed SA and VC, but 3 just had a kinda… depressing atmosphere? I don’t know how to best describe it, I guess it’s due to the main character never talking and thus having very little personality. Claude basically does whatever he’s told by whatever person he’s working for at the time, at some point there’s a falling out and Claude leaves everyone dead in his wake. When I play VC and SA, I get the feeling of playing in a world that is alive, where the main character makes friends, but in 3 after the story was finished I had a hard time thinking of any characters that were still alive. I still think 3 was impressive from a technological standpoint.
Of course, I might be remembering this wrong since it’s been some time, and there’s also some nostalgia since I played SA and VC when I was young, but not 3.