I don’t know, forums were much smaller back in the day. You could find a good community, because it was possible to organize one. But I don’t think that’s possible at today’s scale.
I don’t know, forums were much smaller back in the day. You could find a good community, because it was possible to organize one. But I don’t think that’s possible at today’s scale.
Anyone with good media equipment cares when they consider purchasing a game. Nobody needs this info every time they launch it.
I simply envy you because you live in some world where this is the problem worth discussing and getting angry. Or your head is full of shit. It’s probably the latter, given that you put people joking about Arch Linux to the same category as racists and misogynists. In this case, I don’t envy, but pity you.
Web Development With Assembly
This will continue until you’re part of the intended audience.
Okay, it won’t stop even then.
Ah, yes, another user offended by a joke posted to a community with memes.
You can click here:
You can try, but people won’t be as thrilled for TES or Fallout without Bethesda, for example.
or a better alternative out there with a database of tabs as large as the two have
I don’t know if it’s good enough for your needs, but they have a 7-days trial, so you can check it out for free.
I live in one of the grey countries. You can create an account, but Sony offers different stores in different countries, so you have to pick another country. They even sells consoles in many of the grey countries. The biggest issue is that you probably won’t be able to buy anything without extra hustle because your card is not issued in the country of your PSN account. Also, this is technically against their ToS. But you can create an account to play Helldivers 2.
With that said, I can’t speak for all countries. Maybe somewhere it’s really impossible to create an account without VPN.
And that’s why they can afford investing in VR and in games like HL: Alyx. I enjoyed it very, very much.
And a helicopter.
My Raspberry Pi is named ‘raspberrypi’. I’m very creative.
If you think that I go on reddit to copy comments you’re batshit crazy man. Find a doctor or something.
I’m sorry that somebody wrote a similar post on reddit. I hope you’ll forgive me one day for having similar thoughts…
I can’t believe it weights just 500kg! But what happened 11 years ago? Who put it there?
I can’t believe this is still not possible to do. I could create an endless amount of panels and move them anywhere I want in Linux 20 years ago, but a corporation with a three trillion dollars market cap can’t do that in 2024??
pacman -S nvidia
and I’ve never had any issues. I know that it’s not that easy in some other distros, but maybe stop using shitty distros.
I don’t think that GIMP should be the same, but it does have issues with usability. And when you search “how to do X in gimp”, you’ll probably find a 10 steps guide, while in PS that’d be a couple of clicks. There’s no DDS plugin that supports all compression methods at all. There are so many things that won’t go away no matter how many seconds or minutes or years you’ll put into learning GIMP.