The combat is just generally unintuitive. Which early in the game is frustrating. And if you’re like me and spend weeks between sessions you can forget all the timing and buttons you need to press.
The combat is just generally unintuitive. Which early in the game is frustrating. And if you’re like me and spend weeks between sessions you can forget all the timing and buttons you need to press.
If the combat is frustrating, turn the difficulty down. There will still be a learning curve, but it’ll be the difference between surviving and having to do an hour of work again because you forgot to quick save and get slapped by a foglet.
Sometimes the afflictions didn’t trigger properly like accidentally healing an enemy because decay was applied same turn etc. also turn order and initiative is impossible to predict. In a 4 person co-op game there must always be an alternating turn order regardless of number of players. So basically we’ve had players skipped for two whole rounds because the AI gets to go again. It’s fairly consistent in that regard. It’s frustrating because it’s usually a different person each session that just gets entirely skipped over for almost the entire fight.
And to be honest, I liked the action/bonus action mechanic as it makes the turns go faster. We just did a 4 player bg3 campaign earlier this year and the fights went way faster.
And the crafting mechanic has a high learning curve.
I did find the physical/magic armor mechanic different. I don’t have any real opinion either way with it.
Having played both, there are some really nice quality of life changes in BG3 that will make this way better. Also Div 2 rules were weird.
I feel like in comparison to Starfield, ES6 should be smaller and more compact which should alleviate a lot of the other complaints I’ve seen.
At this point the hype alone will sell it. There may be some apprehensive players since starfield, but I don’t think it’ll impact them too much.
Also elder scrolls being their big IP, they kind of don’t have the wiggle room to screw this up.
Generally Keynote is held on a Tuesday, preorders open Friday morning the same week. Phones then ship the following week.
At this point I’d just say enjoy the new build.
Easy first steps. Enable the XMP profile in the bios to get the most out of your ram since ryzen is very sensitive to that.
Otherwise, I’d leave it as-is. Maybe grab 3DMark on sale ($5 or so) from steam and bench your system just to make sure you’re within expected results compared to others.
PBO for the cpu pretty much gets you 90% there on your max cpu overclock plus a little more voltage than you’d have with a manual one. The X3D cpus are really thick with the stacked cache so they do require decent cooling compared to non X3D skus. So it may just run a little warm but nothing crazy.
The big thing these days for gpu’s is undervolting. I’ve been able to cut out 50w or so from my 3080 with no discernible performance hit when coupled with my 5600x. Check out the Optimum YouTube channel (formerly Optimum Tech) on his undervolting results. His videos are a little older but are applicable to most gpus that are power hungry.
I think I still have copies of GMR around here…….from my nostalgic memory I thought they were the better publication.
It’s going to make heavy based melee builds much less annoying.
I used to routinely use 100gb of data on my jailbroken sprint iPhone. Did that for almost 3 years. Never heard a peep from them. But this was forever ago.
I launched Arkham Asylum on steam earlier this week and it recommended a 9800GTX lmao.
1GB ram, 2GB if you were running Vista.
I spent sooooooooo much time on StarCraft and Diablo II. First video game I remember playing was Wolfenstein 3D, then Duke Nukem. Found RTS soon after.
Damn I had completely different experience. I think I’m on NG+4 with almost 300 hours.
PS1. Unless mouse and keyboard counts….
Should be OSX 10.5.8 if anyone is curious. Which can be used all the way back to the 2002 quicksilver G4’s that ran 867 MHz processors. Which is dumb, the dual cpu 800 MHz were limited to 10.4.11 and couldn’t upgrade. But at that point they were quite dated anyways so it doesn’t matter that much.
Yikes the more you read down the article the more of a hole Bungie seems to dig.
The mini’s only ever accounted for single digit sales percentages, so they never made any sense to sell once the terrible sales were realized.
And then there was the generally mediocre user experience. It just puts a bad image on iPhone as a whole so apple is quick to drop it. I’m surprised they released a 13 mini, but there must have been some sort of break even they wanted to achieve.
I was hooked on the midnight green from the 11pro. The blue on the 15pro looks nice. Probably better in person.
Not that I’ll ever see it, since I’m just gonna slap a case on the phone anyways.
Having just replayed DA2, Anders is a poor example. It’s written (or at least the player choice tree) was so light that just including him in the party meant you had to grapple with acceptance or rejection to just move the story along. With the other characters there are at least two separate flirt checks that need to be met beforehand.
I will say, moving into Inquisition, I am disappointed they ratcheted back so much on player choice. They did so well with DA2 it almost feels like they just listened to the loudest feedback.