I don’t have one. It’s to tinker with my first esp32 board and lora.
It’s basically a hobby. If you live somewhere super rural or something it might be interesting to chat with your neighbor or whatever but I think meshtastic is still too much in the alpha stage to be usable really.
It might be useful on a festival or something, where cell networks are overloaded and you and your friends can contact each other via meshtastic. Idk if that would work though.
Yeah I might upgrade to a 18650 cell that I reclaimed if the phone battery is too small.
Yeah I don’t have one around ^^
Actually though that’s not true, last night I found an old device of me that I could harvest a 18650 battery from.
That’s cool, will you post your setup in the meshtastic community?
Honestly just get a heltec v3 from aliexpress, it’s only like 12€.
The board works with the cellphone battery, even with just holding the wires to the contacts ^^
Yes exactly that’s what I am trying to do. I just found a 3.7v battery in an ancient cellphone of mine, maybe that’ll work as well.
Assuming that you’re living in the US I think the secret is that disposable vapes aren’t as abundant in Germany yet.
Oh that’s a good idea, I think supermarkets also collect batteries in general to recycle, maybe there I can find empty vapes.
Not in Berlin. I see them sometimes, but not often enough. I want one now ^^
Fuers Protokoll: Ich habe hochgewaehlt
Oh but when does puking on the carpet start?
Tropisches Klima Zuhause da brauch ich gar nicht im den Urlaub fahren
Wow hast du das gezeichnet? 😍
Glaube ja nicht, dass irgendwas davon aus einer Depression fuehrt.
Edit: ist ein lustiges Meme, ich als junger Mensch hab nur meine eigenen Gefuehle nicht ernst genommen und sehe dies bei anderen Leuten auch so. Wenn ihr das Gefuehl habt nicht gluecklich zu sein ist das ein legitimer Grund sich Hilfe in Form z.B. einer Therapie zu suchen.
Das war vor Jahrzehnten schon ein Auslaufmodell