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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • sajran@lemmy.mltoAutism@lemmy.worldSocializing
    2 months ago

    So, your original comment sounded very relatable and I never heard about an AQ test before. Just took one and got 34. Well…

    (For the unfamiliar: 34 out of 50, over 32 means you should probably go and get a real diagnosis.)

  • I’m pretty sure I have aphantasia. My mom, on the other hand, is an artist with very powerful imagination. She would often tell me how she sees something she’s imagining and I never really knew what she meant. I just assumed that it’s kinda a figure of speech. Only when I first read about aphantasia I realized that it probably really works completely differently for her.

    I would like to know whether aphantasia has any practical impact on one’s life. For example, I had this suspicion that differences in my “mental image processing pipeline” might be a factor in my terrible driving skills. Quick visual assessment of the traffic situation, at an intersection for instance, is very hard for me. This is just me making stuff up though, no idea if it makes any sense. In fact, I think I’m going to research this topic and look for some papers now!

  • Apple just loves to make their stuff seem special by giving it names. Those names are often ridiculous but somehow it looks like they get the job done. I mean come on, dynamic island? I cringe every time I hear that name.

    But on the other hand take a look at the chip names. While their competitors use chips like “something mtux64-828qwerty”, Apple releases a new A15 ✨bionic✨ which sounds like something that will literally change the world. I mean, it’s bionic, that has to be incredible, right?

  • A vast majority of the code in question is the code I’ve written for my work projects with multiple active contributors and refactoring is very common too. We all like to shit on Python for various reasons but no one in my environment ever complained about whitespace.

    Like I said, I don’t think whitespace is perfect as a part of syntax but I’m much more likely to forget a semicolon than a proper indentation and this applies to any language. I guess it’s not universal tough, because you can often see code with messed up indentation on online forums etc. TBH this is just unthinkable to me, indentation is absolutely necessary for me to be able to read code and reason about it. When I’m thinking about blocks and scopes it’s not because I counted semicolons and braces, it’s 100% indentation.

  • Yup, IMO Python is so much better with type hints that I can’t help but think they should just be part of the language. Which is kinda stupid because of the “original philosophy” as you said. But on the other hand things like third party static type checkers and type stubs, or just untyped libraries can be a real PITA .

    Also, I acknowledge that the lack of typing can be an advantage for some people in some circumstances, even though I use typing even in the simplest and shortest scripts myself. Why would I want to figure out the types every time I look at the function if I can just write it down?

  • Genuine question: why? What makes, say a semicolon, so superior to the the newline or tab characters?

    To be clear: I don’t think whitespace as a part of syntax is an awesome idea which should be more popular. It’s definitely a bit more error prone in some ways. It’s not perfect. But it’s okay.

    I’ve written a lot of Python and I don’t think I have ever seen a syntax error caused by incorrect whitespace. I’m not exaggerating. I regularly forget semicolons in other languages but I never type out incorrectly indented code. Maybe that’s just me though…