Last time I checked, it could run the latest Firefox, but it might have been the ESR. It’s using a lot of the WINE stack so it should be more potent than windows xp. The main issue is drivers, not really application support
Reddit is dead, long live reddit.
Last time I checked, it could run the latest Firefox, but it might have been the ESR. It’s using a lot of the WINE stack so it should be more potent than windows xp. The main issue is drivers, not really application support
There’s a port for android available on both the play store and f-droid
Ah, it seems the elite version is not compatible for my modern phone. Looked nice indeed !
It’s really nice. There’s an open source port available for android, and I believe there are various ports for pc as well.
Both. My father used datebook6 by pimlico. He loved it and never was able to replace it.
My dad used to daily drive a Centro (the last ever palm os device, a phone) until like 5 years ago. He still misses the productivity suite and the overall responsiveness of the system.
It sounds cooler than it actually is cuz it’s mostly a text game (with a graphical interface) and very little graphics. You can play a port of it here.
Yes sir ! The tribbles event is the merchant prince event. Nothing to gain here but pain.
The wasp is not super super hard to get, just trade to hell and back using the beetle and then the termite. The bumblebee is also a nice all-rounder ship.
That game is deep into the uncanny valley, it will be TERRIFYING for a child.
Efficient and useful report system. So far I’ve reported only one dude’s soundboard which repeated the N word (hard R btw)
Fi est très proche de eelv , et Jadot est un antivax, ça sert a rien de le cacher. Je crois que Mélenchon a déjà critiqué les vaccins par le passé, mais sur le coup je peux me tromper.
Par contre, globalement lfi est plutot pro-islam ( , anecdotique + lefigaro, mais bon)
Et oui pour Macron c’est 100% de la version simplifiée et gentille, j’ai pas mis qu’il transformait la France en état policier, que c’était un menteur et un destructeur de démocratie, c’est vrai.
Et merci pour le compliment pour notre extrême droite :p
Ça se voit que je déteste tout le monde sans exception ?
(Sorry for English viewers, I’m not translating that)
glances at Yannick Jaddot
He said that in 2019, and it was a warning, not a statement, and I believe he was right.
But now that Russia did a moderate amount of tomfoolery, it’s back at full power.
We don’t have a dual parties system (we used to but Macron destroyed it somehow), now it’s more like 3 parties and satellite. It’s not that much the democracy system that’s broken, rather politicians.
I’ve said it already, and I’m saying it again :
France politics have 3 paths :
Kinda extreme left ; anti vaxxers, anti nuclear, pro islam, pro immigration, anti NATO, anti Europe, pro-russia and pro-dictatorships overall (Mélenchon)
Extreme right : anti ecology, deeply pro-rich (anti union), overall neo-fascists as you would except, very much anti Europe, anti NATO, pro-putin and pro-russia. (le Pen)
Macron, who is pro-rich, but not pro-putin and kinda Nato-friendly and Europe friendly.
We need to build back guillotines.
I have yet to meet a LLM that works decently locally. Wizard Uncensored is the closest, but the context length is too short, it keeps repeating itself after some time
West intervenes somewhere
West does not
Google is still the GOAT for very specific questions. Like “docker network bridge partial packet loss” , throw it into bing/dfg/qwang and you just end up with “what is a network bridge in docker”
Cancer is a bitch, but Pancreatic cancer is a real son of HR…
Illégal with a fine means legal with a price