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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Part of these past two elections feels like it’s just the hubris of the top candidates, unable to bow out or allow anyone else to stand in for them. 2016 was Clinton psyching herself up to be The First Female President and thinking that Trump was a joke (most of us did see him as a joke candidate and that’d it’d be a cakewalk). I think in Biden’s case, he didn’t see any other strong mainstream Dem contenders and felt he was the best shot the Dems had at beating Trump. They seem to completely ignore their progressive wing and just assume they need a centrist candidate to have a hope of winning. I just wish he’d change his VP pick, Harris is just dead weight. He needs to shake-up his campaign and pick Stacy Abrams or something (though obviously this didn’t work for McCain/Palin).

  • Yeah, I mean, nevermind all the pending criminal charges and evidence of incompetence from Trump’s 4 years in office where we had weekly “infrastructure week” failures, a constant stream of garbage tweets parading as “official Presidential communications”, and egregious power grabs by the Executive branch. Trump said all his same BS in a more convincing-sounding voice during last night’s debate and the guy with a known stuttering issue just didn’t have a strong-sounding voice, that’s all the convincing I needed. Biden is just so old, I literally can’t tell them apart <teeheehee>!

  • I loved RTS games back in the day, played through all the Command & Conquers, Warcrafts, Starcrafts and all that, but then gradually it felt like the genre starting morphing into DotA and other games and I just sort of moved on. I was mostly single-player, though got into multiplayer later, but remember it being so fucking nerve-wracking and having to click hundreds of times a minute and trying to optimize everything, I’d be so worn out after playing. My best game I ever remembered playing was Starcraft 2, there was one match where multiple players tried ganging up on me in a FFA match, it was obvious they were coordinating, and I somehow fended them off and took the game. It wasn’t an important game or anything, but that was one of the fond memories I have from that time in my gaming life.

    I think I eventually just shifted over to turn-based strategy instead and I don’t know if the genre ever really returned from DotA.

  • Yeah, it really should’ve read “Levar Burton - The New Scotty?” To which people would’ve been like “a black Scotty, WTF?” It’s kind of interesting how much the original dynamic was broken apart with the TNG crew, and glad they tried doing something different instead of just a carbon copy reboot. Some just don’t translate or were completely new “roles” that just didn’t exist in TOS.

    • Kirk (Picard + Riker)
    • Spock (Data)
    • Bones (Crusher + Worf)
    • Scotty (LaForge)
    • Uhuru (Yar + Guinan + Troi)
    • Sulu (Data)
    • Chekov (Wesley)
    • Red shirts (Gold shirts)

  • I sat through a number of episodes from the first series with my son (? Not sure, there seems to be other series now). Each episode is only a few minutes at best, usually just long enough for a single battle. It kind of reminds me of old Saturday morning cartoons like GI Joe, in that there ends up being a sort of arms race/one-upsmanship that goes on throughout the series.

    The basic story is that there are these alien (?) Skibidis (the toilet-head things) that are apparently invading Earth. Earth’s only defense seems to be the appliance-people, the most numerous are the Camera-men, but there’s also Speaker-men, TV-men, and others. They’re locked in some sort of massive war with each other, though we never get a sense of how the overall war is going. The skibidis play the skibidi song (not sure the source, but it’s from somewhere), while the appliance-people play Tears for Fears “Everybody wants to rule the world”.

    Episodes usually revolve around some new technology/weapon/combat unit getting revealed by one side or the other and it either overpowering or getting overpowered by something from the other side.

  • According to this article from Feb 11, https://theconversation.com/the-video-game-industry-is-booming-why-are-there-so-many-layoffs-222685, the videogame industry is booming, and thus it seems like it’s more an issue with companies wanting to show profitability for shareholders by reducing labor. I assume it’s being justified with AI being hyped up and/or forcing out older/more expensive workers and bringing in younger/cheaper talent.

    It does kind of make me wonder if the videogame market is oversaturated, as I look over my ridiculous Steam Library and see over a thousand games, many of which are unplayed. And there’s another Humble Bundle that just launched with even more games I’ve never heard of that I can buy cheap as shit. And Epic will give me another free game or two on Thursday. And I just purchased two itch.io bundles with hundreds of titles in each of those. And I have shelves full of tabletop boardgames to go through. I have access to more videogames/boardgames than I probably have hours left in my life to play them, even if I were to be able to retire today and just play games non-stop. I rarely if ever buy new games anymore, there’s just too fucking much out there now. Obviously, the industry as a whole is making billions of dollars, so people are still buying them, but it feels like there’s just so much out there and too little time to play any of them.