At least Brave forks Chromium and they have a bunch of patches they apply to the codebase. I mean yeah, they still contribute to the Chromium monopoly but calling them just a rebrand is a bit unfair in my opinion
YouTube doesn’t have invasive DRM (on normal videos), playing any resolution works on Linux. Netflix only ever plays in 720p for me however, regardless of browser (you can check the stats with crtl + alt + shift + d). There are extensions for Firefox and Chrome to fix this issue luckily. But if Google’s DRM for the web goes through this might not be so easy anymore.
The health related reasons others gave are interesting, but my reasoning is this pretty simple: On normal weekdays I don’t really have breakfast, so brushing my teeth as one if the first things makes sense. On weekends I like to have breakfast with my family so I’d like to get rid of morning breath before I talk to people.