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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • i’ve been on two instances since last fall: one mastodon, one pleroma.

    on the mastodon one i found out by accident, that i was “shadowbanned” from it’s own public timeline. inquiring why this happend, the mods didn’t told me. when i asked then that i would like to know what i did “wrong” and if they could lift this, they said “no”. i deleted my account after that.

    the pleroma one was even worse because literally on day one i was zerged by some american internet rightwingers because i posted something they didn’t agree with. i deleted my account after that.

    what do you suggest, how many times should i move/delete my account until i found an instance that at least gives me the twitter treatment instead of just doing random policy?

  • let’s not pretend mastodon is a viable alternative at this time. sure, it’s not an ad-algo-hellscape yet (meta will change that tho) but you’re at the mercy of whatever powertripping admin you have to deal on the instance you’re on. unless you tune into the echo chamber most instances are, you’re not going to have interesting conversations. it’s very slow, has barebone features and there is a lack of actually interesting oc posting people on the masto side of the fediverse.

  • germany recently shut down their last running nuclear power plants and basically bricked them so they can’t be used ever again, had both nordstream piplines destroyed, is heavily dependend on french nuclear power and u.s.-american liquid gas and is already talking about “controlled brownouts” - i guess installing millions of high voltage charging outlets for cars (that are not even on the streets yet) when one of the three governing parties actually wants cars mostly gone is rather bizarr, but hey - it’s germany lol