• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Feels like some of that stuff, like the SSD’s are a bit overkill for a media server. Most of them still use spinning disks to maximize size vs. cost.

    Additionally, the CPU/GPU needs of a media server are pretty minor, unless you need to transcode on the fly, and even then, single streams aren’t very intensive either.

    So unless you’re capping the outgoing bandwidth to multiple external sources, you’re most likely just streaming the video source as-is to the destination, which just needs a stable network stream. If you don’t need to transcode at all, you don’t really even need a GPU on the hardware.

  • Everyone dies sometime, and we all takes risks. Some of us text while driving. Some of us eat shitty food. Some of us make a career of doing things that no one else is willing to do.

    These types of people are the exact same ones who got on a boat and floated off to sea never to be seen again. They settled lands and lived a wonderful and interesting life.

    In another generation or 12, these are the folks that are going to settle Mars, or make discoveries on the Moon.

    We’d still be living naked in the savanna if it weren’t for people like this.

  • Skeptical of this, while the dovetail is a good joint in woodworking, it’s not really the best joint for most applications. Even drawer boxes.
    Modern glues are so good, that just a normal box joint or even a rabbit joint is actually stronger when properly made.

    While you can control the layer lines and orientation to some degree, I’m thinking that a dovetail, in real designs, would be extremely hard to implement. Peg and hole with CA glue is most likely better when splitting parts that are too big for a bed.