That's because we're in the mirror universe. It all makes sense now, sadly.
That's because we're in the mirror universe. It all makes sense now, sadly.
Also ich bezweifle nicht, dass diese Art Mikroplastik ein Problem ist. Aber ich dachte, das meiste entsteht durch Abrieb und ist noch viel kleiner? Die Überschrift liest sich für mich wie “Verkauf von Reifenabrieb künftig verboten.”
Kurze Recherche später: 80% entstehen durch Abnutzung (Reifen, Textilien, …)
I think that you’re falling into the same trap like many others here. Not saying you don’t have aphantasia, but e.g. the subreddit is full of people deluding themselves into believing they suffer from aphantasia. Because their experience is similar to what Fondots said.
I have the same exact experience. But I can still rotate 3D images, paint scenes, draw maps, watch spaceships or compare color palettes in my mind.
Every questionnaire is kinda based on “do you see it like in real life or nah?”. Depending on your definition of “seeing”, imo people with the same level of visualisation might choose opposite ends of the spectrum.
I hope that’s not supposed to be Worf!?
And don’t look up ANYTHING! No googling whatsoever. The only barrier and enjoyment is knowledge. If really stuck, ask for help in a community. The one on the old site is very good.
For the longest time I wouldn’t even believe this ship really had made it to the screen. Thanks to crappy VHS quality I was spared having to look at it.
Of all the kitbashes, this is the one I refuse to accept as canon. It’s so monumentally stupid and ugly, I just can’t. Shudders
Und Rentner so: Besser trotzdem weiter CxU wählen.
I’m gonna be honest with you, I dislike the attitude of “I never understood sth” followed by confrontational and accusational language. Maybe you did not intend to be hostile, but you’re much less likely to get a straight answer with that tone. You’re much more likely to trigger “I know, right!?” responses by people already sharing your opinion/impression.
Seems like you already made up your mind about lurkers apparently. Let me tell you why I mostly lurk. I guess this applies to others as well.
Maybe you actually were interested in an honest answer. Here it is.
Autokraten, Kapitalisten, Rechte haben Geld und haben Medien. Die legen die Gesprächsthemen fest und alle Medienlandschaft läuft nach. Ich sehe keinen realistischen Ansatz, dem Rechtsruck effektiv entgegenzuwirken. Die allermeisten Menschen sind unreflektiert und damit leichte Beute für Propaganda.