Adobe , microsoft office , catia etc etc etc
Queer and here
Adobe , microsoft office , catia etc etc etc
Well we can always pirate !
Tbh i have used linux on my home pc for years now and now they are very polished products , except most corporate apps are not there !
It has a history in the US anti trust (when the laws really worked)
Since they believe that they are the landlord and you are a tenant using their product so … !
Easiest way of doing that is firefox reading mode , it takes one click and can bypass most if not all paywalls !
Market takes care of is a liberatarian myth !
They have socialistic choices too , if we dont talk about the US , there are actual socialistic parties , and still the religious conservatives support partys those are capitalistic.
I mean I know people who think that elon is making them rich coz their tesla shares jumped, and at the same time they dont want college to be affordable because they paid for it in whole ( tho these ppl are mostly boomers and older gen)
I wonder why would a person keep a rich persons interest over their own ? Free or affordable healthcare and college would be such a great help , and while the planet can support food and housing for all , many are deliberately kept hungry and homeless and that is rooted in corporate greed most of the times . Gulliblity at another level!
Does not explain why do they support capitalistic policies , and this is not just in the US but other countries too!
Basically karma ? So do they believe that their actions will reap them benefits ? While they want to discrimiate people on basis of race and sexuality ?
The rich are allowed to borrow billions from banks just on a letter of understanding and no actual proof , they may later be rescued by govts as well if they fail , while the othet than 1% , are scutinised for a few hundred thousand dollar loan too !
Read a report two days ago , that trickle down does not seem to work ! Ik ur sarcastic !
I can see blatant disregard of the anti trust laws and big corps going monopolistic without any actual caps , idk when will it stop !
Well yes , the govt means govt of respective country / states , although they are so similar that I dont want to name specific country !
For example , increase in the percentage of the employees companies can hire and fire , without serving a notice or any amount paid to them , increased the work week hours here close to 50, made policies so that companies can save money at expense of employee health etc !
The only benefit is , sometimes the generic compiled code may not work as intended , that is the only time I compile from source !
Me who generally reads readmes , am i doing it wrong 😰