• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • the dangerous Trump argument is absolutely not one to be downplayed

    Which is why it’s so bad Biden insists on staying in the race.

    If he thought beating trump was the most important thing, he’d have announced years ago that he wouldn’t run again.

    But he’ll never stand down. Because he wants a second term more than stopping trump from having a second.

    And people realizing Biden is risking that for his own ego, makes him even less likely to stop trump.

    Historically “vote for me or else” doesn’t work well

    We know what works to motivate Dem voters: young, charismatic, and progressive sounding candidates.

    We can’t get that to stop trump, because 82 year old Biden won’t retire.

  • The worst part is trump has been exactly the same the last three elections.

    His bullshit is normalized to most voters.

    Biden wasn’t great in 2020, but he’s a hell of a lot worse now. Which is why we never see him compared to other presidents when they were in office.

    So for Republicans last night went fucking perfectly. And for Dems, it went about as bad as it could have.

    There’s just no reason to run a candidate voters don’t like or agree with just because the other candidate is so much worse. Even if we stop the worst, we still don’t get what we want.

    None of it makes logical sense, which is probably why Biden’s few supporters only want to talk about how dangerous trump is. It’s really really hard to come up with a reason Biden should be the candidate. Even being an incumbent doesn’t matter when you have terrible approval ratings, those make incumbency a hindrance not an advantage

  • In his first presidential primary in 1988, Biden was the front runner despite his youth because he was wildly regarded as one of the best public speakers in the country and he was (at the time) charismatic.

    Then he started yelling at reporters about how high his IQ was after they found out he plagiarized speeches plagiarized work in law school, and lied about his grades and class standing.

    Because he got over his childhood stutter. In childhood.

    What’s happening now isn’t a stutter. It’s 100% normal for an 82 year old.

    That doesn’t mean an 82 year old is fit to be president, just that Biden acts how an 82 year old is expected to act. Because he’s 82 years old.

  • When the jaw opens, Eddie’s head tilts back.

    Like, in the meme Eddie would be eating everything Venom eats. That’s not what’s happening when Venom eats brains. It’s being enveloped and disgusted by the symbiote like how a single celled organism envelopes and digests food.

    It could even explain why Venom’s eyes are a long diagonal if Eddie needs to physically see. I think it might be more like the symbiote bond works both ways. Venom always sees what Eddie sees, and when Venom has his eyes out, Eddie just gets those signals sent to his brain.

    Which would also explain why venom would align his eye with Eddie’s in the first pic, even if that’s not always lined up like that.

  • Best to do nothing.

    I mean, it depends on some stuff.

    I grew up on a farm, and it was common to get these and regular blisters when work was starting up again. If you ignore it, it will 100% get better on its own.

    But it’s going to prevent you from doing work. So if you got shit to do, you can pop it, put some antibiotic ointment and a bandaid on, and go right back to work.

    So yeah chances are OP should leave it. But its not like there’s a big negative to popping them. A little more pain for a short period, but the pains over faster. Let it get better on its own and you risk it popping on its own if you’re still needing to do stuff.

    Since the risk to popping is infection afterwards, a blood blister on the palm like that I’d pop it and get it over with in a sterile setting. Even tho I don’t do manual labor now, nobody wants to grab a door handle and squirt blood all over it because it popped

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNever buy .xyz
    16 days ago

    Yeah, dude tried to open his own personal Netflix and is surprised it got taken down.

    From post history he managed to keep it up for less than a month.

    I’m betting by “friends” he meant either online friends he’s never met, or people he wanted to impress.

    So they gave zero fucks and handed it out to more people. Like, just the idea that you’re giving it to so many people that you actually buy a domain?

    There’s a reason everyone isn’t already doing it already.

  • You don’t understand how much green sucks…

    An intellectual disability is 2 standard deviations from the mean (that’s 30 points).

    For someone that’s 100, about 2% of humans are 30 points lower than them.

    If you’re at the tail of the green?

    Congrats, about 84% of the world’s population is at least 30 points below you. For bonus points, you won’t even know your IQ because it’s like measuring a mile with a foot long ruler. You can get a guesseatimate, but to really measure it just isn’t worth it. A Wechsler would already take 4+ hours to get that high of a score.

    It’s basically Idiocracy. And just like the movie, a lot of the time when you try to explain stuff that sounds basic “don’t use Gatorade on plants” you only get insults and get told plants crave electrolytes.

    Like, people say people in green like drugs because of “novelty seeking behavior”…

    It’s not that, it’s because living in Idiocracy fucking sucks, and there are a couple things that can be done to level the playing field, and most of them are pretty enjoyable too.

    And it’s not even rare. A 145+ IQ is about 1 in 1200 people, that’s about as frequent as people who are trans.