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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • So far there is a serious shortage of scientific papers demonstrating harm from microplastics. This paper attempts to make such a demonstration, but it does so by using extremely high concentrations, far beyond what could be achieved naturally.

    While the concentration of plastic used in these solutions was higher than what a baby would be exposed to by eating from a microwaved food jar in real life

    This popsci article briefly touches on this, but if you read the research paper, they actually used concentrations that were orders of magnitude higher. So high, in fact, that cell death would also occur with many inert and safe substances at these concentrations.

    It’s very concerning that we’re exposing ourselves to this stuff without fully understanding it. But alarmist papers like this are unproductive at best. At worst, they lead to alert fatigue in consumers, in the vein of “this product is known to the state of California to cause cancer.”

  • I was born into an impoverished extremist right wing family. I enlisted in the military back when DADT was a thing. I was disowned as an LGBT teenager, and medboarded out of the military after being committed to inpatient facilities multiple times. After that, i was homeless for a couple years, living out of a car and then a backpack.

    I finally ended up in this little town in Georgia, got a job at a little retail store, and moved into a trailer with one of my coworkers. Her friends kind of adopted me and i felt accepted for the first time in my life. We were all broke kids, but i told them i was going to be a millionaire by age 30. I was still pretty emotionally unstable and eventually moved on from that friend group, but it gave me the hope i needed to rebuild my life.

    I slowly built a career for myself after that, working 70-80 hours a week for a couple years, until i had my foot in the door. It got a lot easier after that. I didn’t quite hit my goal by age 30, but I’m close. I founded my first company at age 28, and raised a 10 million series A. My company is now worth 60 million on paper, but of course that’s meaningless until we IPO. But it’s profitable, and in the meantime, I’ve adopted a little family of people like me, and built a comfortable life for us. Life is good, and I’m content.