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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve read all of them, and I really enjoyed them. It’s true that it’s basically “Royal Navy in space”, and it might be a little cheezy, but it’s a pretty relaxing read.

    The space combat stuff gets much better in the later books, Weber managed to build satisfying mechanics for it. There’s some good political intrigue too. The one thing that pulled me “out” of the books a couple times were some character names, some of them are pretty ridiculous (Queen Elizabeth III for example).

  • Modern air combat isn’t about dogfights anymore. A plane like the F-35 is an asset in the air because of its sensor suite way more than because of its ability to deploy ordnance. It’ll let us patrol our massive airspace much more effectively than the 5-6 operational CF-18s we currently have.

    Yes, drones will be important, but for long-range combat they’ll get used in conjunction with manned aircraft in the air. The F-35 is a formidable platform for that. Tomorrow’s air combat will probably consist of squadrons of autonomous drones under the command of a manned aircraft flying with them in formation.

  • By that same logic, can Russia ask Japan to extradite a US citizen because they advocated for LGBTQ+ rights while they were in South Korea? Because that’s basically what’s happening here, I just swapped the offence and the countries involved.

    Dude isn’t a US person, wasn’t in the US when he committed the alleged crime, and said alleged crime isn’t a crime where he allegedly committed it. US law isn’t world law.

    EVEN IF the guy might’ve been rapist asshole (allegations were fishy as heck), this extradition proceeding is a gross overreach by the US, and the UK should have laughed it out of court. If a country has any leg to stand on regarding extradition, it’s Sweden (I think that’s where he was when he committed all the alleged crimes, both the sexual ones and the wikileaks ones).

  • I use Canadian Multilingual on a ISO-style keyboard, mostly because my main language is French and typing accents on a US keyboard is horrible.

    Coding makes a hefty use of Alt (“option” on mac), but they’re relatively well-placed (see the labels on the bottom-right of the keys in the pic)

    My main annoyance with it is that the ANSI-style keyboard puts “ù” to the left of “1”, instead of the “/” you get on that key on a ISO keyboard (where ù is between the left shift and z). You can see how annoying this would be when programming or using the command-line. And of course, Apple stores only stock MacBooks with ANSI keyboards…

  • Did you miss the part where I said ““exterminating all non-Jews in the country” isn’t a legitimate interest”?

    But yeah, perhaps I should also mention that locking them up, putting them in ghettos, denying them equal opportunity, etc. isn’t a legitimate interest either.

    EDIT: apparently I can’t Lemmy, I thought you were replying to me when we were in fact replying to the same comment.

  • I think you’re conflating 2 other things: Religion and culture.

    Jews as a religion should absolutely not be allowed their own nation state, just as Islam shouldn’t and Christianity certainly shouldn’t either. In fact, there should be no religion-states at all. One of the fundamental values in democratic societies is freedom of religion; people should be allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Any state that interferes with that right is in violation of one of the basic human rights, and a religion-state is by definition violating that right.

    Jews as a culture should absolutely be allowed their own nation state, in fact, that’s what Israel is. Such a state is indeed allowed to have interests, but “exterminating all non-Jews in the country” isn’t a legitimate interest. In fact, you’ll recall that a world war was triggered because a country wanted to exterminate a specific ethnic / religious group not only within their borders but also in their neighbors’ country. Such a state is also allowed to defend itself, but I think it’s normal for a persecuted people to resort to terrorism when other avenues for ending their persecution failed. That doesn’t give the right to the persecuter to persecute even more. You’ll note that we also heavily criticize the US for their “war on terrorism”, and rightly so. Gaza is also not an existential threat to Israel the way Russia is to Ukraine either. There’s a world of difference between the 2 conflicts.

    So yeah, I guess I agree with you in part (there’s a difference between Jews in general and the Israeli government), but I really disagree with you on the “Jewish nation” part.

    That said, I’m just a random dude from the other side of the world, and I don’t know anything about the specifics of the situation in the country, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.