“Diane, pls tell me I’m a good person” vibes
“Diane, pls tell me I’m a good person” vibes
much more preferable thanks 🙏
It was going to be a maze!
you can’t tell me to help people and try to make the world a better place!
you’re not my real dad
Damn is that like opposite of diabetes?
moves clockwise through the seasons
left being summer, right being winter
prepping silly mode for spring rn
sent this to my wife who provided extra context
my wife’s narcissistic mom be like
this, and never having to eat, pee, or poop ever again
yeah but this is do nothing with guilt
if you don’t want it to feel like a second job, you could always quit your first!
Good thing I’ve already earned the titles: Rockstar Coder, Front-End Wizard, and Multiple Hat Enthusiast.
And ripping!
Get in front of the train so you don’t have to make a decision