Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I went to a celtic festival earlier today and there was a (male presenting) person in a dress you would expect to see on a docudrama about Jack the Ripper.

    Inside this lady of the evening dress was the hariest person I have ever seen in a dress. Take that dark dense patch in the center of rikers chest, put that all over the exposed breast area, the upper back, arms, huge beard, very dense hairy legs. And all of it fiery orange.

    That might be approaching “too much” territory, but I gotta say, what we have seen on star trek so far has been alopecia by comparison.

  • My favorite part is all the inside jokes they pack in as well. You don’t really get all of them as a viewer, but I’ve watched every episode with commentary, and a lot of interviews with a lot of the directors, producers, prop/costume/sfx people.

    Nothing beats the “special effects coordinator” guy screaming BIGGER at everyone after they show him progressively larger explosive effects.

  • I love that every Sci fi show eventually does the “out of phase” episode, and I love seeing the fun twists and flavorings they use to make it “their” version.

    Like Stargate sg1 and their crystal skull radiation and advanced dimension-shifting technology episodes.

    And my personal favorite lampshading for this is actually from Stargate. in the in-universe parody show “Wormhole X-treme” one of the main character parodies asks “if I’m out of phase, why don’t I fall through the floor?” and the response from the writer/director/producer/whatever he was, was something along the lines of “I’ll have to get back to you on that”

  • If you do design another one, here’s an interesting technique I saw on a random YouTube video:

    Make an enclosure that fits together so that the walls have a cavity between them you can fill with a combination of plaster of Paris and pvc glue.

    This, combined with separate chambers for tweeters/woofers/subs/etc and a little thought for how the sound exits the enclosure, and you’ve got a top tier miniature sound system for a fraction of the cost. Although it will be a little bulkier, a little heavier, and takes more time to design, if you want to take another step up from what looks to me like a pretty good first one. Honestly given the 3d printed enclosure I expected all kinds of distortions and noise, but you clearly did quite well. So please don’t for a second think I’m trying to say “uhh this way is better” it’s just a different way, and one that could be better or worse for many many reasons.

  • I know someone who takes a weird amount of pride in having never seen star wars.

    Like, mocks people for liking “such a childish piece of garbage”, has to butt in every time he overhears someone talking about it to let everyone know “I’ve never seen it and no I won’t watch it with you”

    So far not a single person I’ve spoken to has wanted to watch it with him anyway.

    Like it’s cool if you don’t like it, it’s cool if you’ve never seen it, but like… Come on Bro.

  • But everyone knows a wamen cannot into strength!

    Black people didn’t exist until the 1700s!


    Or something like that. Almost every argument for fantasy-type settings where “that character wouldn’t be black/is described as X” but honestly if it doesn’t affect the story, who gives a shit.

    Yeah, sure. Plenty of characters are described in books as “alabaster/cream/other word for pasty ass white” but not once does it come up in the story. Nobody is racist against other colors. Slavery is for everyone including royalty. So why bother making a fuss about skin color or hair color when there are MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS FLYING AROUND. If you’re looking for realism, that wyvern fucked off a long time ago.