I have a lot of problems greeting people, my great aunt used to mimic my way of saying hi. I would say it in a very, very low tone (English is not my first language, I mean the equivalent). And as for saying goodbye, I despise it. People are telling me ‘Yeah I see you around, remain in touch’ etc etc, shit people say at the end of a ‘social unit’ and all I can say is ‘goodbye’.
That was when I went outside though. I have not went outside for months – well this morning I went out to buy cigarettes and that was my first outage in several months.
I have other problems, not gonna lie. I wanna know if they give you pills for autism. Because I want more pills.
Funny thing is, my doctors put my bipolarity front and center. I had to beg them to give me Ritalin. I know I had some sort of ADHD because my father was a Ritalin addict, took it intravenously ( he was a dentist so somehow he could prescribe himself Ritalin. The only reason I can get 2 kinds of Ritalin is, my father used to prescribe it in my prescription pad. This was way before digital prescriptions. They rolled that, and now people like my dad are desperate. My dad himself is six feet under, turns out, you can inject yourself 90 tablets of prime Ritty so much before your body gives up) and so there was a lot of Ritty around at our home, so I sometimes took it and I always felt better. Problem is, I never had any issues sitting down and reading a book, I never had any issues ‘paying attention’ either. But I cannot see anything through. I jump from one thing to another. So that’s why they gave me Ritalin.