Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.

Main: @[email protected]
Website: #IndieWeb

Moved from [email protected]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I used names of fictional robots, androids and self-aware computers (though I avoided HAL for obvious reasons) for a long time. These days my wife and I usually go with an indirect reference to the function or hardware - Ex. a device named Anathema, or a Raspberry Pi server named Marie (as in Marie Callendar, a former local pie/restaurant chain). I had an expendable frankenputer for tinkering that I called RedShirt.

    Currently trying to come up with a name other than Chris for the PineTab 2.

    Edit to add: Places I’ve worked have used Roman emperors, drink brands, Simpsons characters, and of course basics like “IIS1” “MAIL4” “QA-3” and so on. Some would add numbers to the names sequentially, others would use the last octet of the IP address.

  • That’s something I noticed when I first started using it, too. One of the first things was picking out the different kids of small birds that my brain had previously filed under “small bird.” A sparrow here, a finch there, a warbler or a phoebe, those are starlings not blackbirds or small crows, etc.

    I’m still not good at telling different dandelion-like species apart, though, and I’m happy to let the app make its best guess on those and let someone else sort them out!

  • On my own hardware: At home I have a Raspberry Pi 4 running JellyFin as a local media server, also experimenting with PiHole. One of these days I’d like to pull my NextCloud server in-house.

    VPS: Nextcloud (including calendar, notes, contacts & RSS/Atom), GoToSocial, WordPress, Gemini, and personal website with a mix of home-grown parts and sections managed through Eleventy.

    I’ve also experimented with self-hosting Calckey , Snac2 and Mastodon, but Mastodon’s too heavy for a single user and Snac2 is lighter than I want to go with for now. I may try Calckey again at some point, though.

    Eventually I’d like to set up Wallabag and migrate from Pocket.