Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Kingaroon K3PS, dip your toes in first a little.
I never finished them! I should
Red Dead Redemption 2
Life Is Strange: True Colors
I think the intention is for it to have deep grooves and lines like that to mimic a wood texture. But to us it just looks like big bad layer lines
I hate how easy it was for me to think of ten
41k -> 60k -> 70k -> 85k -> 100k -> 110k (2018-2023) That 41 -> 60 felt huge. 60 -> 70 felt like a drop, it was a job change and I lost overtime and we were paid every 2 weeks instead of twice a month. (26 paychecks instead of 24)
These days, what makes all the difference are the bonus programs. My income is generally 25% higher than my base through company stock programs, bonuses and high performance grants.
I think you should talk to a professional. That’s what they’re there for.
If you want direct play of the file, play around with different clients. Encoding 4k can be taxing on a system. Some jellyfin clients just don’t support the media format for direct pass through.