Diva (she/her)

I make electronic music. (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

Хацунэ Мику издание Уралвагонзавода

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRoot Rule
    8 months ago

    lmao yeah, people only every show the wide angle thing and act like he died. bruh the video exists and he gets in the way, and climbs on the fucking thing and the guys inside fucking stop the tank. If it was american pigs or boots in the same situation they would have just run him over. Speaking from experience almost getting hit by a pigmobile at protest.

  • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI need Rule
    8 months ago


    you literally just misspelled ‘criticize’ in the comment above, but I didn’t correct you because I don’t fucking care and nobody else does either.

    also fuck off colonizer genocide apologist, this is why you got banned

    By all accounts, when Israel was established in 1948 they wanted their own territory in the region as partitioned by Britain/the UN, they didn’t want control over the entire region.

    after the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

  • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI need Rule
    8 months ago

    It’s the primary funder, the president said that if Israel didn’t exist the US would have had to create it, because it’s so geopolitically critical. There’s a large number of US ships there right now, in support of Israel.

    I’m probably older than you

    The existence of Israel is predicted on the bloody murder, and ethnic cleaning of Palestine, and completely unjustified.

  • I already said don’t care about your bullshit hand-wringing about the what-ifs an occupied people could have or should have done so that they would be a model minority for you (one who gets exterminated without putting up too much of a fight)

    There is a simple solution, but it would either require Israel to stop being an ethnostate or stop existing

    It’s simple to say that, but the practical application of doing that is anything but simple.

    Yeah, America would need to stop supporting it and its ongoing genocide for that to happen.

  • Hamas is a creation of Israels own actions. They have a history of erratic behavior politically including fighting alongside ISIS. They are still the elected government such as it is. It’s absolutely sickening seeing comfortable westerners acting like they have some kind of right to pass judgment on people living in such a situation. They fight back however they can, and it’s not going to be pretty because war and colonial occupation is not clean.

    There is a simple solution, but it would either require Israel to stop being an ethnostate or stop existing so that a government which represents everyone in occupied Palestine can exist.

  • I didn’t “both side” the genocide

    The comment literally finishes with me criticising both sides - ie, implying that all genocide is wrong.

    There is an active genocide happening, and you are going “all lives matter” because the brown people are being violent and resisting.

  • the modlogs are public, anyone can just go on hexbear, plug in your name and see why you got banned:

    here’s one of your removed comments:

    mod Removed Comment Actually Palestinians started the violence. They fought a war, they lost. That doesn’t excuse anything Israel has done, but credit where credit is due. Hamas are not freedom fighters, that isn’t their goal. Their goal is to eradicate anyone that doesn’t share their beliefs. Freedom for the people of Palestine and peace in the region, but the likes of Hamas and Netanyahu can suck a bag of each others’ virgin dicks. by [email protected]

    the reason you were site banned was because you were having a meltdown over getting a comm ban for your genocide apologia (lmao)

    mod Banned [email protected] reason: convicted on purgery (malding over a comm ban :farquaad-point:)