• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024


  • Up to around level 50 or so, mobs are squishy enough that you don’t need weapons perks at all. Eventually, some super mutants become bullet sponges, and you’ll want some kind of damage boost, either weapon perks or just taking lots of combat drugs as needed.

    I like to start new games with a focus on Science and Barter. With one point of Science, you can build Industrial Water Purifiers in your settlements. The excess water they produce can be sold to vendors.

    Unique leg armor that increases your movement speed can be purchased in Goodneighbor and Vault 81. The Vault 81 vendor also sells the last gun you’ll ever need. I like to trade water for those ASAP.

    Next, there’s a quest from The Railroad that gives a HUGE defensive boost.

    The Nukaworld expansion introduced a new kind of knife, the Disciples Blade, and it is by far the best melee weapon in the game. A sneaky ninja melee build wielding a Disciples Blade can beat every encounter. The build doesn’t really blossom until the late-late game, but once it does, you’ll never need to use a gun again.

  • It depends on your frame of reference.

    From inside the ship, light speed is faster. You travel arbitrary distance in an instant.
    Outside the ship, everyone else sees you moving 1 light year per year, but for passengers, the voyage is essentially a forward-only time machine.

    From outside the ship, warp speed is faster. Observers will see the warp bubble with a ship inside it moving >1 light year per year, and because it will arrive at its destination before light from the ships own past will arrive there, it acts like a view-only backwards time machine.

  • Delta_V@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldThat's LTT in the bottom
    4 months ago

    The problem with RTFM is that TFM often does not cover the problem, and broader knowledge of the OS is required. You can’t expect every app to come with a manual that covers how the entire OS works, but that knowledge is often required to get work done in Linux.

    People familiar with the guts of Linux or Windows will encounter these kinds of outside-the-instructions problems and know from experience what arcane setting to change or what 3rd party software needs to be installed before the procedures written in the manual will work as expected.

    IMO, the Windows GUI lowers the bar to begin trial-and-error learning and makes the learning process faster.

  • I stopped buying their shit after they started hiring Pinkerton mercenaries to clean up their mistakes.

    from the wiki:

    Following the Civil War, the Pinkertons began conducting operations against organized labor.[5] During the labor strikes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, businesses hired the Pinkerton Agency to infiltrate unions, supply guards, keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and recruit goon squads to intimidate workers.[6] During the Homestead Strike of 1892, Pinkerton agents were called in to reinforce the strikebreaking measures of industrialist Henry Clay Frick, who was acting on behalf of Andrew Carnegie, the head of Carnegie Steel.[7]