Why are you here? Well, ok I guess you can stay :3

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Back when he was Qymaen jai Sheelal, i’m certain I heard of him “carving out his connection” or something of the sort somewhere. So I think maybe a bit of mechanical precision and expendability is what kept him going after severing his connection with the force, which he previously used to train with a saber?

  • Honestly, I’m not saying do this because replacing functions with vices is very not good and I am fully aware of it. That being said what worked for me is marijuana, it helps me to feel like I WANT to eat at the very least, even if I don’t feel hungry. When I’m high it makes food more appealing to me as well, so it helps to supress my extremely picky eating habits. Of course, this is making a habit in and of itself which is why i don’t necessarily recommend it, but I’ll wean myself off of it.