Alright. Let’s get a validating vent session going. My fellow beautiful autistic people, what are some horror from your experience with therapists?
Alright. Let’s get a validating vent session going. My fellow beautiful autistic people, what are some horror from your experience with therapists?
In my early 20s, I was seeing a psychologist for depression. Because of issues with my mom, she thought it’d be a good idea to have an appointment with her involved.
So my mom came to an appointment.
And right after they met, it turns out they started meeting up personally to do some kind of craft project together.
The psychologist did inform me and check if it was alright but I had no idea what to say. Trust broken and I just stopped making appointments.
I did get some accidental “revenge” for this one.
Sometime months later, for some reason my phone started pocket dialling this psychologist and nobody else.
I didn’t even realize it was happening. But it drove her so nuts she called me about it a few times, and eventually asked me to remove her number from my phone.