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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Strange- the very tone of this thread is suggesting that the HA developers choice in how they distribute their platform is “incorrect” by your assertions. Further you seem to disagree with explanations provided as to why those choices were likely made.

    Dismissing those statements and observations do not make them incorrect. Nothing I stated is dramatic: it is an observation and a comment on an increasing trend popping up around several projects. This particular topic and your responses within it align with that trend. My closing statement was directed at that. You are welcome to not like it but resorting to insults is a bit childish.

  • From what I gather here you have a particular flavor of a distribution that does not work with a foss piece of software. This is not uncommon.

    Developers have finite time and energy to put into the development of their platform and likely spend that time supporting their existing user base. Just because you took the time to learn esperanto and think it is a superior language does not mean everyone else must cater to your whims.

    Based on your statements you seem to “understand” nix… Instead of demanding they cater to your needs: Perhaps you should undertake the burden of forking, modifying the code, and supporting the vast ecosystem of addons then. Surely it would be a trivial matter.

  • I sat through the video and didn’t have too many issues. Considering the delivery of most YouTube creators are biased I expect a small amount of sensationalism… which admittedly was there but wasn’t overbearing.

    I prolly wouldn’t sub the guy but the information was at least well represented and explained.

    Cabal is a colorful choice of word. Honestly I’d describe the recent Mozilla actions as insidious; frankly. This recent change is, if anything, a clear signal that they are willing to sacrifice the user experience for profit and… well… we know how that goes.

  • So there is a calculation for what time the sun is at a particular angle in the sky which will be relative to your area and factors in the time of year etc. You could use that as it will give you a very specific to your area mathematical answer to when you should close your shades. This is a good start. If you mix that with a light sensor and set minimums that will get you the rest of the way there (no sense run blocking lightning a cloudy day.) You can just use a light sensor but it will be more erratic if you don’t correct for weather and seasonal light levels.

    The rest is personal to how sensitive to light changes and seasonal settings you apply to it.

    As far as the physical control goes - there are several commercial devices available as well as diy solutions involving motors and 3d printing on YouTube.

  • The two workstation nooks (spaces) have the capability to have a second monitor but I’ve since retired them in favor of ultrawide monitors which I find are a better experience in general. My current working solution is a split between two technologies: one thin client (second monitors) and one network distribution solution using multicast (primary displays and USB). Both run on copper 1 gig but the multicast traffic requires a switch that doesn’t suck and vlan usage. On average a single port can reach 70-85% usage sustained. I believe my longest run is 150’ ish.

    Cost per node is roughly 300- so comparable to what you are experiencing. If I went stupid cheap I could probably cut that to maybe 150-250 depending on my luck with eBay and patience.

    In terms of capabilities you could argue that this could be done without distribution using a nuc solution… but you’d have to split resources to reach node you’d need a full feature set at.

    My central server is a threadripper build with 2 gpus for direct passthrough to ‘gaming’ vms and a split gpu handling the rest of the needs of the other systems. Thanks to the matrix capabilities any given seat can be any system… or in some cases 2 seats can be a single rig (2 room gaming off the same display). There is a cost savings to be found in splitting resources from a more expensive build out to cheaper nodes… but ymmv depending on active seats and specific needs. I believe as a general rule it should be less costly and more efficient (power/heat) than individual solutions.