Dont tell anyone I told ypu about this…
Dont tell anyone I told ypu about this…
If anyone wants to know, the reason that happens is because spiders move their legs with a hydraulic system and once they are dead the pressure gets released and they revert to their “default” state.
This is false. This is one of the 4 VHS tapes I watched endlessly as a kid. She actually gives up her hair, which is something she has been proud of the whole time to be microwaved. She eventually gets new hair at the end of the movie but shes sad to be bald for a while.
TOS always, the others it depends.
In the song the Sk8r boy is the hero who triumphs in the end so i think it makes sense.
Indeed they are, but every single site wants my email and birthday before I can view content now. I don’t knock them for trying to make money from ads but I don’t need them selling my email address on the side too.
Also Diana Muldaur.
Am I crazy, or is that a lot of Tribbles?
Hopefully more Justin and Tawny than Alex.
I’m willing to invest in a truckload of A&W if that’s what it takes.
Octoprint is what I use. Slicing is probably the thing it woukd be least good at but all the rest is good. And theres an api to write plugins for if youre into that sort of thing.
I agree with you.
And youre right that the article doesnt focus on the algorithmic hate factory which to me is the main difference between social media and traditional media. For instance, and this is just anecdotal, my grandma who had nothing besides an analog telephone and broadcast tv became just as polarized and angry as someone with social media just by reading and watching Fox news (and eventually OAN and Newsmax) all day. I cant imagine that Facebook would have made it any worse.
The algorithm is probably accelerating the polarization pipeline, but i guess my point was that social media isnt necessarily doing anything new or distinct. Its doing the same thing Rush Limbaugh was doing on the radio 25 years ago, its just on a new frontier.
The 24 hour news cycle was already throwing sensational controversial stories up and speculating wildly if not outright lying about to hold on to eyeballs. The longer you watch, the more commercials you see. Etc etc.
I would love to see a study of social media vs traditional media to see whether the mean time to full polarization changes and if so, how significantly.
Good Ted talk!
Nope not really. People were already mad but its a lot easier to get mad publicly on the internet than in person. But Im sure the same people could get just as angry watching biased news channels but they cant start arguments with anyone in that context.
And also, don’t forget Betteridges Law of Headlines.
You are correct that this is technically in code and would protect against shock hazards in a neutral error situation but you also get the opportunity for the outlet to pop during the day when nobody is home and the battery to die.
We had a situation in our old house where someone who was technically correct but didn’t think it through had a gfci outlet upstream of the refrigerator outlet. Thankfully it popped while someone was home and we got everything corrected before we lost everything in the fridge.
This is the concept of an episode of Nathan For You. Well, its a part of an episode about making real a fake story so he doesn’t get “A Million Little Pieces”-ed. Its a great show.
If you say it loud enough you’ll almost sound precocious.
EXTREME WARNING if you have something important to do today. The above link is to TV Tropes. It’s too late for me, but you still have a chance to be productive today!
Hello, I would like to complain that filling out a form to complain is exactly the kind of thing that Gene Roddenberry would be against so I refuse to do it. /s
I think we should do a letter writing campaign. It worked for TOS.