• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • How did you get that rate? We pay 33 cents, and it was 24 cents just a few months ago… wouldn’t be surprised if it goes up again next year and the year after since even 33 cents is government subsidised (so - there’s no cheaper option available).

    All about location. There are supposedly many in my area on a different coop utility, who are only paying 0.03c/kwh.

    Ooof. Why’d you do that? We simply put (a bit over) 5kW of panels on the roof, and a good 5kW inverter. One day of sun generates about as much power as we use in a week, and even if it’s overcast we still come out ahead.

    I had a few other goals I wanted to accomplish-

    1. Reliability. The grid here isn’t the most stable, and blinks a few times per week. And, a time or two per year, we have an outage. This solution has handled this fantastically well, so well, that I don’t even notice when the grid has dropped unless I specifically go for it.

    2. Apart of this, was bringing some of my wiring/electrical up to code. This accounted for 10k of the price-tag… I relocated/replaced the mains panel across the house to a location more suitable then my daughter’s closet. Also- the panel itself, was pretty old, and needed to be modernized.

    One more issue- my PV is undersized a bit. Adding another 3kw, would yield much better returns for me.

    Its undersized, because if I oversized it, and sent more energy than I consumed, my lovely utility slaps on a 42$ fee… which is no-bueno.

  • So, I am starting to really believe his goal is to just drive a stake into the heart of twitter.

    Either that, or he is trying to prove a point regarding something.

    I don’t think there is any possible way, he is so dumb as to make all of these horrible decisions regarding twitter… This has got to be destroying twitter by design, on purpose.

    I mean, seriously… he has done literally everything that you SHOULDN’T do. Fire the majority of the company. Destroy over a decade worth of very good branding. Alienate all investors. Alienate the user base. Piss off the remaining users more. Drive away advertisers…

    FFS, the dude has a company that sends rockets into space, and previously, the world’s premier electric car company… What in the hell is his odd obsession with choking the life out of twitter, that has been costing him money left and right due to absolutely horrible publicity.

  • I used to have a list, somewhere. But. will, instead summarize it a bit.

    External-facing websites (for both myself, and hosted for other clients).

    A few discord bots I created, and host.

    10-20 containers for home-automation.

    10-15 containers for “Media” management.

    A handful of containers for document/photo archival / storage / etc.

    Containers for managing storage, backups. etc.

    Containers for network management (unifi), SMTP, etc.

    Containers for monitoring.

    Keep in mind, most common “applications” will run at least two containers (one for the app, one for the database), and, occasionally a redis container.

    I run services redundantly when possible. Ie- traefik runs as a daemonset, across all of my nodes. As does longhorn storage.

    That being said, I’d guess I am only running around 40-60 total applications, but, those 40-60 turns into a couple hundred containers.

  • My hobby of home automation, and running a home lab REALLY stopped up.

    Pre-pandemic, I had a single server, pretty small, quiet, low energy usage. Post-pandemic, I have a full rack, redundant power, and tons of resources, and hundreds of containers and services.

    Home automation: Pre-pandemic, I didn’t have too much. Few security cameras, and a small handful of devices, mostly controlled by alexa. Post-pandemic, I can tell you every time you forget to wash your hands after taking a shit. I know exactly how much energy and instantaneous power nearly every device in my house uses. I have automated just about anything you can imagine. Pools, opening windows, controlling a fireplace, scaring cats away from the kitchen table… you name it, and I have likely automated it and/or built hardware to automate it.

    My other big hobby, was working on automotive projects: Pre-pandemic, I build a 1,000hp street-legal “race-car”. Would drive it to work occasionally. Spent a lot of time in my garage with tig welders, plasma cutters, metal lathes… etc. Post-pandemic, I honestly have not touched anything in my garage in years. I don’t really drive anywhere due to being full time WFH. So, I have not had much interest in messing with it. Also, its been really hot the last few years.