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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Beer was the only drink you could get in prole pubs. The proles were supposed not to drink gin, though in practice they could get hold of it easily enough. The game of darts was in full swing again, and the knot of men at the bar had begun talking about lottery tickets. Winston’s presence was forgotten for a moment. There was a deal table under the window where he and the old man could talk without fear of being overheard. It was horribly dangerous, but at any rate there was no telescreen in the room, a point he had made sure of as soon as he came in.

    "E could ‘a drawed me off a pint,’ grumbled the old man as he settled down behind a glass. 'A 'alf litre ain’t enough. It don’t satisfy. And a ‘ole litre’s too much. It starts my bladder running. Let alone the price.’

    ‘You must have seen great changes since you were a young man,’ said Winston tentatively.

    The old man’s pale blue eyes moved from the darts board to the bar, and from the bar to the door of the Gents, as though it were in the bar-room that he expected the changes to have occurred.

    ‘The beer was better,’ he said finally. ‘And cheaper! When I was a young man, mild beer – wallop we used to call it – was fourpence a pint. That was before the war, of course.’


  • My last office job was QA at a game studio. They kept our whole team in a stuffy windowless room full of partitions. Three screens took up the one desk that was only a bit wider than your chair.

    When feeding time happened you could hear everyone’s lips smacking.

    I would have killed for a cubicle like this.

    The devs out in the civilized part of the office had open plan, but they had L desks and 4-6 screens. Some had mini fridges and drawers.

    I played Phantasmagoria 2 and knew it was supposed to take place in a brutally oppressive corporate hellscape, but each characters cubicle seemed expansive and cozy.