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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • really that depends on a number of factors. like how big the jet is, etc.

    some of those planes are pretty small.

    my friend and i worked with a guy for many years, that was also a pilot. he was a pretty frugal dude, but was fairly smart with his money. flying his small plane was a bit of a hobby for him. he owned a store location in the city we were in, but also had another store location about a hour/hour-and-half drive. sometimes he would take his plane, as it was actually cheaper and faster to go to the airport, get his plane prepped, fly out, do whatever he had to do, and fly back.

    undoubtedly he was using this as an excuse to fly his plane a bit. but i definitely know he wouldn’t have been doing it if it was costing him any significant amount of money. he wasn’t loaded, and was always about saving some money.

  • different cars in different locations.

    for example if she flys into a airport on the Eastern side of the country, you’d just contract out a car there. many airports even have multiple car rental companies on site to handle such things. for more upscale stuff, there are usually smaller flight companies around the airport, and they handle all the details.

    you just fly the people in, they get the car at that location, and then drive to wherever they’re going.

    in the case of musicians, if they’re on tour they usually have busses they charter, along with large semi trucks to drive the gear and stage stuff.

  • i’m 40 years old, and i’ve been working since i was 17.

    i have never had any sort of job that paid any sort of benefits. i simply get paid the money i earn from the jobs i do, and that’s it. i’ve never had any sort of insurance, etc. it’s kind of ridiculous. most of my jobs are contract positions. i can’t even remember the last time i worked for any sort of hourly wage.

  • pic of the newly married couple

    this was pretty bad. it was bad enough that even back then you had people pointing out how bad it was. it was so bad that various states passed laws so that it would be against the law, going forward.

    the textbook’s point is that even though this wasn’t common place, it was somewhat taken for granted.

    i can kind of understand somethings. like how it was probably far more common back then for people to be married by the ages of 15-18. i can get that. but the case of Johns and Eunice, it was shocking even then. that should tell you something.

    that thing being that Johns was a pedophile.

  • i feel like paperwork comes with that kind of stuff. like the kind of paperwork you could show to clear up the nagging question of why and how you have human skulls around your place.

    the skulls themselves aren’t particularly suspicious or a crime in and of themselves, but it does raise questions. the kind of questions you probably want paperwork for.

  • that’s kind of my take on it too. Linux has come so far from what it used to be like. it’s not quite ready to see mass-adoption, but it’s making some amazing strides. so many different parties have been contributing to a massive effort to iron out some of the issues with Linux. once performance improves significantly over Windows, and compatibility gets a little more wide-spread, you’ll start to see people willing to put up with the teething problems, in the name of superior performance.

    THAT is when Linux will see more mainstream success.

    some year, i don’t know when, really will be the year of Linux… maybe.