Für mich ist die Sache glasklar:
Peter_Arbeitslos ist der Mensch, der mich immer obligatorisch runterwählt, und mit diesem Meme versucht er, mich zu gaslichtern.
Für mich ist die Sache glasklar:
Peter_Arbeitslos ist der Mensch, der mich immer obligatorisch runterwählt, und mit diesem Meme versucht er, mich zu gaslichtern.
Zu rassistisch für die AfD? Sachen gibt’s…
Und ich hatte gehofft, das Ding wäre für immer in der Versenkung verschwunden.
Du könntest das statt Deines Handys im Auto an den Aux-Anschluss stöpseln, und da liegen lassen, um die TÜVler mit dem “Ich liebe den TÜV” Song zu berieseln…
Wenn Du so ein Auto hast, hat Du dich sicher noch mehr alten MP3-Player irgendwo rumflattern. Oder nen Walkman.
What episode is this from?
I have been sort of following Wayland’s development for over 10 years now. I have been using Wayland for over 2 years now. I have been reading and watching various lengthy arguments online for and against it. I still don’t feel like I actually know it even is, not beyond some handwavey superficialities. Definitely not to the extent and depth I could understand what X11 was and how to actually work with it, troubleshoot it when necessary and achieve something slightly unusual with it. I feel like, these days, you are either getting superficial marketing materials, ELI5 approaches that seem to be suited at best to pacify a nosy child without giving them anything to actually work with, or reference manuals full of unexplained jargon for people who already know how it works and just need to look up some details now and then…
Maybe I’m getting old. I used to like Linux because I could actually understand what was going on…
Legalisiert soll das ganze bis zur 12. Schwangerschaftswoche werden, und dann soll immer noch eine Beratung verpflichtend sein.
Frage: Wie lange dauert es im Normalfall, bis eine Frau überhaupt merkt, dass sie schwanger ist? Wie lange dauert es in ungewöhnlichen oder extremen Fällen? Wie lange muss man auf so einen Beratungstermin warten? Wie lange anschließend auf einen Termin für die Durchführung der Prozedur?
There was like one scene with muskets in the book. Even then, I grew up with this material (in the form of several different movie and cartoon adaptations, and eventually the book, too), and it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that the name musketeer comes from the musket.
Also, the CIA panel is missing the part where they overthrew a small country in the process.
Last part is highly topical again…
Picard totally makes the heads explode of some admirals that had been taken over.
Oh, right. That scene…
It’s a lot better than the system that just randomly throws in your USB drives with your SCSI/SAS/SATA/PATA drives. Or the systems that calls everything a SCSI drive when it usually isn’t a SCSI drive.
I’m getting some serious loss of fps with this version in at least one game…
Yes, support for sessions in Plasma.
Well passwordless.
Same thing in this context. But sure, an encrypted partition would work.
Dunno about ideal, but it should work.
It does have quite a bit of overhead, meaning it’s not the fastest out there, but as long as it’s fast enough to serve the media you need, that shouldn’t matter.
Also, you need to either mount it manually on the command line whenever you need it or be comfortable with leaving your SSH private key in your media server unencrypted. Since you are already concerned with needing to encrypt file share access even in the local network, the latter might not be a good option to you.
The good part about it is, as long as you can ssh from your media server to your NAS, this should just work with no additional setup needed.
And “nothing” does not fit, either.