Stimmt, afd könnte die absolute Mehrheit erhalten weil alle anderen so verdrossen sind, dass sie zu Hause bleiben. Siehe Amerika
Stimmt, afd könnte die absolute Mehrheit erhalten weil alle anderen so verdrossen sind, dass sie zu Hause bleiben. Siehe Amerika
It’s pretty much true for any office worker. They can stay up to 10 hours a day, but only if their average day isn’t longer than 8 hours in a period of 6 months.
Vacation and illness don’t count as a counter measure.
Pretty much everything else has to be approved by government entities.
Maybe he can stay longer, but if he’s the boss he’s even more full of shit if he demands them to break the law, because it is his responsibility to keep track and make sure nobody is working any longer than that.
It’s fines up to 50k for every single violation.
He probably only arrived at 12:00 and is complaining about everyone that has a live besides work (children, hobbies, volunteer jobs etc) and arrive early.
Considering there’s laws in Germany that prevents you from working more than 8 hours a day, hes either in violation of those laws or full of shit.
Gamestop bewertet die Karten nicht selber sondern schickt sie ein. Ich weiß nicht warum man sie nicht selber einschicken sollte.
Der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Unionsfraktion, Thorsten Frei, lehnt eine Unterstützung rot-grüner Gesetzesinitiativen wie dem Deutschlandticket ab. “Ich kann mir das nicht vorstellen. Ich glaube, da müssen wir den Schwerpunkt setzen bei Investitionen in die Infrastruktur”, sagte der CDU-Politiker dem Nachrichtenmagazin Politico.
Mit Infrastruktur meint er natürlich Straßen.
10 million to tap into a 10 billion market seems greedy
Exactly. They don’t want to provide them at all, but customers would get furious, so they cheap out as much as they can.
Funny that you mention Panasonic, because that’s the brand I noticed it first with.
The Panasonic cells that come with a device are usually garbage, also the stuff you get on flee markets and cheap packages on the Internet.
They apparently have cells that hold up and weight noticeably more.
For the standard sizes like AAA, AA and D cells there’s only Duracell for me. They’re still miles ahead of their competitors imo.
In my experience you can feel how good they are by how heavy they weight in your hand.
You should do that tommorrow instead. They aren’t voting today.
How did you manage to lose money on a 3 fund portfolio, if one of its strengths is that it never underperforms the market?
Something doesn’t add up. Sounds and looks like you gambled first and then went with a solid investment.
Maybe it’s time to think about the capabilities of your financial advisor. Is it a friend or a professional?
BBY all in yolo!
Brolene and Jolene sound similar.
This is some top tier reddit humour, complete with the jpeg artifacts.
I guess people are still drunk from Halloween.
The funniest part is that it’s and eye product and the picture is blurry.
I had to Update my PS4 controller exactly the same way using their app.
I never had to update my Xbox controller. I get the standard Xbox Bluetooth controllers, not the Xbox one.
Not to mention PS controllers have issues all the time with a PC.
I never had to wait for longer than 5 minutes to vote and I never voted early. Mostly because it takes 10 minutes of my time on voting day, which is always a Sunday.
Polling places can’t be further away than 1,5km I believe, so wherever you live, it will be close enough to just walk there.
I have voted in schools, kindergardens, a community center and a church.
There’s "semantic search"on iPhones. Looks pretty much like Recall on Windows, down to storing the data on the end device.
Wenn die sich hier hin trauen bekommt jeder ne große Tüte Gummibärchen oder so.
I was going to side with you, but then I visited their webpage. 12 necessary cookies? This company is scummy.
Für den Fall taugt es wirklich nicht, es sei denn man hat zu viel Zeit und steht aif Schmerzen.
Mein Fall ist etwas anders. Meine Familie wohnt 90km weit weg. Ohne Deutschlandticket kostet die einzelne Fahrt inzwischen 20€.
Ich muss also nur 1 1/2 mal im Monat in die Heimat und schon lohnt es sich. Die Züge sind die gleichen, und wenn es keine Ausfälle oder Baustellen gibt, ist man sogar etwas schneller als mit dem Auto.