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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2023


  • Meme wise? Garlic bread, frogs, and sitting in chairs the wrong way.

    I thought garlic bread is for the asexuals and we have lemon bars.

    But yeah, I feel like most bi culture is memes: sitting in chairs as mentioned, cuffed jeans, finger guns, the bisexual bob and many many more. But as it is with memes, they also change depending on the specific community. But I feel like we are pretty good with memes :D

    But on a more serious note: Bisexuality has a long history. I think it’s really interesting and I really enjoy diving in. Also being happy about every good representation, but that’s queer culture in general I imagine.

  • Hab mich letztes Jahr auch mal damit auseinander gesetzt. Wobei für mich das Thema Finanzen generell neu war. Wollte erst mal einen ETF, den ich einfach laufen lassen kann. Nach einigem Stöbern und Lesen einiger Empfehlungen, hab ich mich für den A2DVEZ (BNPPE-MSCI WRLD SRI S-SER.5%C. NAM.-ANT.UCITS ETF CAP EUR O.N) entschieden.

    Hab übrigens immer noch nicht wirklich den Durchblick. Läuft aber seit letztem Jahr Januar und bin im Plus.