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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, it’s terrible and should not be something you have to deal with. Not sure if this counts as medical advice but asking in case it’s been overlooked, do you have access to telehealth options or have you sought a care coordinator through your insurance? Those may be helpful in finding a different doctor, it won’t help with the existing debt though. I’m disabled and unfortunately very familiar with medical debt, if you’d like any information on ways to try to lessen that debt feel free to dm me. There’s also a lot of organizing around medical debt, this group is one I’ve been involved with, if that’s of any interest to you (or anyone else reading this).

  • Yes. All our relationships changed and I don’t know if they’ll ever recover. I’m disabled and from the start it’s been a struggle. I remember in early 2020 a family member sharing a post on fb that said only the vulnerable were dying to covid and reminding them that’s me and the ensuing kerfuffle. Several family members got it, were hospitalized, and refuse to get vaxxed later on.

    What’s caused the most upset to me and my partner though is my in-laws’ reactions. My FIL has copd and MIL has cancer and received a transplant last year. They live near my SIL and her family. They’ve all had covid multiple times, 3x last we heard. FIL was hospitalized, MIL was in hospital for a year after her transplant due to one complication or illness after another. Her health is very delicate and no one seems to care about protecting her (or themselves). None of them mask not even around her. We’ve tried talking about it a few times, cancer patients have been masking and being cautious about illnesses long before covid and we have such a better understanding of mitigation tools after these last few years. But they just do not care, nothing to be concerned about. My partner is so worried about her but at this point is ready to hear the worst should it come. It’s just baffling to me.