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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Lenin ordered the Red Terror. The main difference between him and Stalin when it comes to willingness to use state violence was the size of the state. His solution to political decent was mass executions. While it was announced as a class war on the bourgeoisie, it began with a massacreof sociallists. In addition to kulaks and white army afficers, it targeted the former bolshenik allies Left Socialists, anarchists, and striking workers. The Red Terror featured the creation of the gulags and concentration camps, hostage taking, and torture.

  • Yeah, this. I lean heavily into coaching, which is specifically helping them apply skills they already have to a problem.

    I also draw clear lines between what I can help with and what I need to do for the company, and try my best to display when I am fighting for them and when I cannot. Building trust is a key part of the relationship, and having suspicion that you are two faced kills it dead.

    With this and the other things mentioned, I too have only had peopae quit because of money, and in one instance he came to me to ask if he should do so (we talked it out without me giving any advice, just comparing opportunities)

  • Both styles have advantages and disadvantages. Fully procedural code actually breaks down in readability after a certain length, some poeple suggest 100 or maybe 200 lines, depending on how much is going on in the function.

    Blanket maxims tend to to have large spaces where they don’t apply.

    Additionally, the place where the code on the right is more likely to cause bugs and maintainability issues is the mutation of the pizza argument in the functions. Argument mutation is important for execution time and memory performance, but is also a strong source of bugs, and should be considered carefully in each situation. We don’t know what the requirements for this code are, but in general we should recomend against universal use of argument mutation (and mutability in general).