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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Well yeah, that was my point.

    Americans for some reason love this 'low low price of x$ (+tax +tip +service charge +fuck you charge) thing. Here in Switzerland, it’s all in the price. Menu says 40 bucks, you pay 40 bucks. Tips are very voluntary and usually just a “round up” -> total is 57 - let’s make it 60.

    My wife works in a restaurant and gets around 3.7k a month - the tips she gets add up to around 300-700, depending on the month. In the store she works, tips get handled as a pool where everyone gets their monthly share depending on hours worked (serving staff and kitchen) - so total tips x person hours / total hours by everyone.

    It’s still a low wage (I make around than double her wage, but then again I’m an electrical engineer), but it is very livable - I lived on a lower wage alone comfortably when I was studying and only working 50%

  • Yeah, same here. My 1080ti still performs more than adequately enough.

    That’s also a thing about all this gpu pricing - things are starting just to become ‘enough’, without the need to upgrade like you did before.

    Same thing happened to phones, and then high end phones got expensive as fuck. I mean I had a Galaxy note 2 I bought for 400 bucks back in the day and that was already expensive.

  • You can’t really compare an 8800gt to a 1070 to a 4080.

    8800gt was just another era, the 1070 is the 70 series from a time where they had the ti and the titan, and the 4080 is the top gpu other than the 4090.

    If you wanted to compare to the 10 series, a better match for the 4080 would be the 1080ti, which I own, and paid like 750 for back in 2017.

    Sure, they’re on the money grabbing train now, and the 4080 should realistically be around 20% cheaper - around 800 bucks, to be fair.

    Thing is though, if you just want gaming, a 4070 or 4060 is enough. They did gimp the VRAM though, which is not too great. If those cards came standard with 16gb of VRAM, they’d be all good.

  • They aren’t, and our private phones are also connected to the network ;)

    But then again, it’s a fairly large organization vpn’d up over multiple locations, with server farms in different VLANs and so on, so the network we usually access when working are in a different subnet.

    I do know what you mean though - it really depends on what the company does. Prior, I worked at a company that developed and manufactured hardware cryptography devices - I learned proper security procedures there :) our ‘actual work computers’ weren’t even connected to the Internet, and the unmanaged laptops accessed the same WiFi guests would access that, well, only went to the Internet. Just wpa2.

  • As someone not in those circles that just stumbled upon this post in all:

    You look ‘different’ obviously, as you yourself know. That’s going to get some reactions from some people - you can’t really help that. That’s fine, be yourself.

    Other than that, don’t make your whole identity that you are who you are. What I mean by that is - don’t base your daily actions, what you do, what you always talk about, the friends you make solely on the fact that you are a transman. Just be a normal, decent human being - and I think you’ll find a lot more ‘general acceptance’.

    Then again, just my 2 cents as an outsider, this is just my opinion and as I’ve obviously never had to go through this myself I have no idea if this works or not.