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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I get that. But then I don’t go to car forums to complain about my car and then get mad when they suggest my car is shit and I need to change it hahahaha. My point is, these people only want to complain instead of fixing things, and it’s very annoying. Don’t get me wrong, they can complain as much as they want as far as I care. But I wish they would complain somewhere else, it’s just noise if they are not willing to do anything.

  • trollbearpig@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux best
    19 days ago

    To be fair, the conversations I have seen usually start with people complaining about whatever the latest Windows shitfuckery is. Some well intendend, but clearly naive, linux user suggests to just switch to linux. After all, the OPs usually complain in a linux community, what else do they expect?

    Then they, or sometimes a different user than the first one, say something like “but switching to linux is work and I have to learn a new thing” like a dumbass. After that it’s almost impossible, IMO, to have a constructive conversation. Other people from the community get so mad that the conversation becomes a religious argument hahaha. After all, how do you help people that want to fix their problems while at the same time they refuse to change or learn anything? And on top of that they get so self rigtheous when people dare to suggest literally anything. The only solution they want is for Microsoft to magically stop being Microsoft and fix Windows hahaha, I hope they get comfortable while they wait hahaha.

    Honestly I don’t even try. Yes, Microsoft is the one fucking people over. But people are proud of their lack of knowledge when it comes to computers and refuse to even learn the little bit that will actually fix their problems. And that’s on people, not on Microsoft. I just let them enjoy Windows, they deserve it.

  • I love how people like you sometimes stumble into weird truths hahaha. Like yeah, the stupid medical system you guys have in the US sucks even for people with money (luckily I’m from a latin american country that’s not yet a pro/anti US dictatorship, but soon …). Like it’s that ridiculous, even people with money in the US end up fucking themselves medically, that’s the freedom you get from that stupid healthcare system hahahaha. And people like you have stockholm syndrom.

    Sadly this is infecting my country too, famous and rich people now have pennywise white teeth lol. For now I don’t feel too bad for them, fuck these pricks wasting money in this shit while people go hungry here. But I do feel a bit sad for them.

  • Or maybe you could actually read the comment you are replying to instead of being so confrontational? They are literally making the same point you are making, except somehow you sound dismissive, like we just need to take it.

    In case you missed it they were literally saying that the fact that the real cost of running software (like the AI recall bullshit) is externalized to consumers makes companies don’t give a shit about fixing this. Like literally the same you are saying. And this means that we all, as a society, are just wasting a fuck ton of resources. But capitalism is so eficient hahaha.

    But come on man, you really think that the only option is for us to run corporate machines in our homes? I don’t know if I should feel sorry about your lack of imagination, or if you are trying to strawman us here. I’m going to assume lack of imagination, don’t assume malice and all that.

    For example, that’s what simple legislation could do. For example, lets say I buy an cellphone/computer, then buy an app/program for that device, and the device has the required specifications to run the software. The company that sold me that software should be obligated by law to give me a version of the software that runs in my machine forever. This is not a lot to ask for, this is literally how software worked before the internet.

    But now, behind the cover of security and convenience, this is all out of the window. Each new windows/macos/ios/android/adobe/fucking anything update asks for more and more hardware and little to no meaningful new functionality. So we need to keep upgrading and upgrading, and spending and spending.

    But this is not a given, we can do better with very little sacrifices.

  • Nah man, they don’t freeze the model because they think we will ruin it with our racism hahaha, that’s just their PR bullshit. They freeze them because they don’t know how to make the thing learn in real time like a human. We only know how to use backpropagatuon to train them. And this is expected, we haven’t solved the hard problem of the mind no matter what these companies say.

    Don’t get me wrong, backpropagation is an amazing algorithm and the results for autocomplete are honestly better than I expected (though remeber that a lot of this is just underpaid workers in africa that pick good training data). But our current understanding of how human learns points to neuroplasticity as the main mechanism. And then here come all these AI grifters/companies saying that somehow backpropagation produces the same results. And I haven’t seen a single decent argument for this.

  • trollbearpig@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    Sorry, but no man. Or rather, what evidence do you have that LLMs are anything like a human brain? Just because we call them neural networks doesn’t mean they are networks of neurons … You are faling to the same fallacy as the people who argue that nazis were socialists, or if someone claimed that north korea was a democratic country.

    Perceptrons are not neurons. Activation functions are not the same as the action potential of real neurons. LLMs don’t have anything resembling neuroplasticity. And it shows, the only way to have a conversation with LLMs is to provide them the full conversation as context because the things don’t have anything resembling memory.

    As I said in another comment, you can always say “you can’t prove LLMs don’t think”. And sure, I can’t prove a negative. But come on man, you are the ones making wild claims like “LLMs are just like brains”, you are the ones that need to provide proof of such wild claims. And the fact that this is complex technology is not an argument.

  • trollbearpig@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    Man, I hate this semantics arguments hahaha. I mean yeah, if we define AI as anything remotely intelligent done by a computer sure, then it’s AI. But then so is an if in code. I think the part you are missing is that terms like AI have a definition in the collective mind, specially for non tech people. And companies using them are using them on purpose to confuse people (just like Tesla’s self driving funnily enough hahaha).

    These companies are now trying to say to the rest of society “no, it’s not us that are lying. Is you people who are dumb and don’ understand the difference between AI and AGI”. But they don’t get to define what words mean to the rest of us just to suit their marketing campagins. Plus clearly they are doing this to imply that their dumb AIs will someday become AGIs, which is nonsense.

    I know you are not pushing these ideas, at least not in the comment I’m replying. But you are helping these corporations push their agenda, even if by accident, everytime you fall into these semantic games hahaha. I mean, ask yourself. What did the person you answered to gained by being told that? Do they understand “AIs” better or anything like that? Because with all due respect, to me you are just being nitpicky to dismiss valid critisisms to this technology.