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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s worth trying if you’re interested, IMO.

    Nothing mind-blowing (except the morning crunch wrap, which is mind-blowing). But they are pretty consistent, and have a lot more options than most fast food places when it comes to healthy-ish options.

    It’s not Mexican food, it’s not even tex-mex. It’s just taco bell. It’s its own category of food. Go in without preconceived ideas of what it should be and you might find that you enjoy it.

  • theragu40@lemmy.worldtoVideos@lemmy.worldMcDonald's prices are out of control.
    11 months ago

    I like McDonald’s. I know, wrong opinion.

    Maybe it’s because it was an occasional treat when I was a kid, but there is something nostalgic about it. Sometimes I just want it.

    But it’s definitely hard when eating at McDonald’s with our family of 4 is equivalent to eating at a fast casual place, and starting to approach the cost of a sit-down restaurant. The big happy meals are over 6 bucks now, and that’s starting not to be enough food as our kids get older. If we get a value meal it’s $8-10 each for me and my wife. So even if we go minimal, which usually results in people still being hungry, we are already at ~$30. It’s not hard to get up close to $40.

    Remember the dollar menu?? I mean if we break each of those meals down to their components of sandwich/fry/drink, if we stayed on the dollar menu what now costs $30 could have been bought for $12. Obviously inflation comes into play a little bit but I’m not sure prices needed to nearly triple.

    Sit down restaurants obviously have increased a ton too, but if they have a reasonable kids menu we can do it for $50 or $60 depending on the place. Yes, more than McDonald’s, but McDonald’s also has no business being that close in price.

  • I don’t know if you’re in IT at all, but the really crazy thing is that as half baked as Alexa stuff feels…a ton of AWS’s offerings feel the exact same way. Their marketing material is great, and I do believe their engineers are passionate and have the right intentions. But none of it feels “finished”. It all feels like an elaborate beta test. Things don’t work, documentation is out of date or just plain wrong, it’s impossible to get actual expert support from Amazon directly.

    AWS is their biggest money maker and even that is a cobbled together, confusing pile half the time. Sometimes feels like everything is a house of cards.

  • Nonetheless, it didn’t really feel finished, y’know? That part wore on me, and I think is what undermined my enjoyment the most. It really was released too early.

    The performance issues seem to be what every article and blog post focuses on because it’s the easy thing to talk about, but I think this right here is what the actual biggest issue was and the real reason people shat on the game.

    I didn’t hate it by any means. And I, like you, ran it without issue. I just sort of lost interest because it was janky and super unpolished. Like I was playing an early access game. It wasn’t big bugs as in the game breaking and not running. It was just lots of little annoyance that felt unfinished or half conceived, or like they didn’t undergo full play testing.

    The massive performance issues experienced by some just compounded those issues that existed even when it did run perfectly well.

  • The issue was that there were multiple huge problems with the game spread across various platforms that created a big shit storm of negativity.

    • It was straight up broken for many console players.
    • Some PC players had performance issues.
    • For those who had no issues actually running it (like me), the game still had floaty controls and weightless guns. NPCs and vehicles that popped in and out at odd times. Dialog that clipped or played over each other. Completely broken police/wanted system. Confusing and largely ineffectual skill tree.
    • Once you got beyond those issues with game polish, then you were dealing with it not really being the deep scifi RPG they promised, but more of a shooter with RPG elements.

    So you’ve got potential issues from multiple angles, and it just all compounded on itself. For me, I just got bored of dealing with it after like 10 hours. It was janky and that combined with it being nothing like what they hyped it up as just sorta killed it for me even though it ran with no issues.

    With that said, I played for an hour or two after the update and my first impressions are a ton better and it seems like they have really fixed a lot of things. I’m excited to come back to it.