i should be gripping rat

  • 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The accusation from two former Twitch employees, as posted on Twitter, was:

    He got banned because got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon. The powers that be could read in plain text.

    Beahm’s direct response to that specific allegation is:

    Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.

    So the detail of “sexting” is “in dispute” in the sense that the predator denies the allegations, but predators always deny allegations. And the fact that his formal denial still included details like “sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate” is really sus.

    So to me, saying “we don’t know if it was sexting, all we know for sure is that inappropriate messages were sent” has the same energy as saying “no criminal charges have ever been brought against me”. We don’t need photo evidence to know he was a creep.

  • To my knowledge, Denver is one of those cities that is exploding in popularity, so you might find that your rent increases year-over-year faster than you like. I have not lived there, so take my advice on it with a grain of salt.

    For my part, I will say that Minneapolis is a great (and affordable) place to be queer!

  • Taranum, who only has one name and guesses her age at 34, sleeps here with her three daughters. She was recently diagnosed with typhoid, an illnessmore prevalent during heatwaves when water contaminates more easily. She said at the peak of her illness, she felt like she would die. She’s terrified at the thought.

    “I can’t die,” she says. “We are homeless. Who will take care of my daughters?” She shakes her head: “But I can’t complain. Other people have it harder. Two babies died in this heat.”

    Absolutely grim. Homeless single mothers stricken with typhoid that say “I can’t complain because others have it worse.” Remind me again, why are billionaires allowed to exist in a world where this happens?

  • Great write up, thank you for sharing and I can’t wait for Part 2! I’ve never heard of X4, but now you’ve got me curious to check it out. I appreciated your thoughts on Stellaris. I played Stellaris after Crusader Kings and found myself wishing it had a little more of Crusader Kings in it, so it’s interesting to hear you describe it as having “a high focus on randomized events, narrative events, and overarching story lines.” Maybe I need to give that another chance, too.