Is this vampire lawful good? Or lawful evil?
Is this vampire lawful good? Or lawful evil?
She’s one of my favorite parts of SNW. When Mariner is a fangirl over meeting her makes me crack up every time.
This episode was directed by LeVar so it’s a meta reference.
All these shots are from the episode Rules of Engagement, where Worf blows up the cloaked vessel that had klingon bodies aboard. The klingons insisted they were alive before Worf fired but an investigation shows they weren’t.
Does a reboot fix the issue? Seems like it’s recognizing something as a phone number which isn’t a phone number. A reboot might reset whatever daemon is causing the issue.
I was hoping for whale farts.
I like this plain, simple meme.
She wants to be a throuple. No judgement here.
Mariner is definitely down for anything. She’s dating the andorian Jennifer in a few episodes and she also went on a date with Steve Levy the conspiracy guy. She also dated an Anabaj to annoy her mom so…yeah.
She even says this in one episode (the Tom Paris one):
“Oh I’m always dating bad boys, bad girls, bad gender non-binary babes, ruthless alien masterminds, and bad Bynars.”
DS9 had Jadzia kiss another trill whose host happened to be a woman. TOS had the first televised interracial kiss. ENT had a pregnant Trip Tucker. Trek has always been woke.
They go to a star a few times. Troy “Butt soup” Barnes is a bit of an idiot though.
Ever heard of Dolly? She was a Eugenics Wars soldier.
I have a couple Star Trek questions, if you don’t mind.
What time did you guys have to get up in the morning?
Does every writer write for one character?
What’s a best boy?
I saw it in the credits once.
Why don’t they call it Planet Trek? You never go to a star. Not one episode.
I hope I’m a gimmie and not a dim.
but I think (hope?) it’s a net positive.
Definitely a net positive. My friend and I were discussing something similar the other day. He rides motos and I ride downhill and we both learned via youtube. What used to be restricted to people who could afford private lessons or coaching are now available to people even in third world countries. It’s opened up a lot of new horizons for people.
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