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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I don’t know which thread you’re reading, but you’re not summarizing this thread. You’re having difficulty following apparently. Here’s the original post:

    “It’s funny just reading the headline… Experts warn that Chinese research is getting good? Like, is that a bad thing, or why do we have to be warned about it xD isn’t research in general just good” This was posted by lemmy user: @[email protected]

    I am summarising this thread. This, from what you quoted:

    warn that Chinese research is getting good? Like, is that a bad thing, or why do we have to be warned about it

    is precisely what I was referring to with

    • why is it bad that X country is doing better

    You’re right on this part. Your quote there, and my quote in prior posts which match that, are the answer to that original poster.

    …and then you proceeded to convey the same sentiment in the discussion:

    the decline of USA’s science research indicates a problem in the USA. That is a problem, wouldn’t you agree?

    The strawman I am talking to does not realise that they are being parochial and continues to argue instead of correcting their behaviour.

  • Could just as well have gone the other way though. Sassy CM telling some loud, annoying, entitled brat to git gud or cry more? Instant cool-dev meme. But if a lot of people feel similarly you get outrage and controversy. Just depends on the local culture on that particular day in that particular place.

    It’s cool to be rude as long as you also feel that it’s warranted. It’s cool to offend people you don’t like or deride ideas you think are stupid. Everyone isMost people are always just one wrong audience away from being a horrible person.

    Of course CM or PR staff have different expectations, but I can understand why they might make a gamble sometimes trying to be cool and causual.

  • I think of it as a problem of “attention dysregulation”. At least that feels like a closer description, since attention is a very central component in many of the difficulties we experience - it just can’t be reduced to a “deficit” (whatever that could even mean).

    You probably know this already, but I like to (re)phrase existing knowledge in several ways even if just for myself, because one can know something in more than one way: Attention regulation is how a brain prioritises, filters, and emphasises information about the external world, and I believe it also plays a big (and interesting) part in executive function

    I understand the general concept of ‘attention’ as an allocation/distribution mechanism of cognitive resources, so calling it “deficient” feels a bit like category error. It’s like reducing the challenges faced by a governing body responsible for mismanaging an economy to an “economy deficit problem”. Just doesn’t make much sense, even if the end result looks like a deficit in resources (analogous to focus) (in some areas).

  • A game can offer an experience that leaves the player feeling satisfied or at least content with how they spent their time. There is a large space of possible interactive experiences that extend far beyond the simple dichotomy of fun vs educational or productive.

    A game can certainly be considered predatory if it exploits psychological vulnerabilities to hook someone on engaging gameplay that gives the player very little in return in terms of fulfillment or mental recovery. Whether or not it takes the opportunity to swindle the player on top of that is a matter of degree in severity. Wasting a player’s time (or worse, induce stress or other harmful mental states for no good reason) is not a particularly nice thing to do.