Just trying to do some cool shit with people and have fun and respectful. **Feel free to give me shit if I’m being unduly rude or disrespectful and point to this bio.


  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • I could definitely see this with the map layout and whatnot. Obviously they’ve had the entire super Mario bros (+, 2, etc) series throughout their modern consoles but wonder really, to me, brings back the “woah look at all these new places” type feel back

    Say what you will about Nintendo but you gotta admit them keeping around this franchise and keeping it “hot” is pretty impressive

  • The best thing I can recommend is to “do them” again.

    Ik Ik what the fuck ew.

    But believe me, nothing beats rewriting the notes by hand again and thinking about them while you’re doing it. Why is this stuff important? What are some tie backs you can recall on for this concept? Any funny ideas you came up with that might help you to remember it?

    Then, to add another layer, I digitize my notes with Obsidian. It’s a markdown note book that lets you tag stuff and then you can view a graph of the connected pages via the tags you tossed on each one to breeze through notes fast (great for doctorates and heavy degrees, or just stuff you plan on adding onto as time goes on.

    It’s all about reanalyzing the material through different ways and angles. Writing stuff down seems to click better for most humans for some reason. You can also try finding some good YouTube content on the material and try challenge problems frequently. Don’t let failing scare you, analyze your failures and study yourself. Getting through school is just as much about learning the material as it is learning about yourself and how you beat perform and learn.

  • stevedidWHAT@lemmy.worldOPtoGames@lemmy.worldS&Box - Hype
    6 months ago

    Nope makes sense, those are some pretty horrible things that people did. I can understand the poor taste you have left over in your mouth from that.

    Can we switch to something positive? What creative sandbox games have you been trying/enjoying lately? I’d respond to your post if you dm me a link!

  • stevedidWHAT@lemmy.worldOPtoGames@lemmy.worldS&Box - Hype
    7 months ago

    I’m sorry but many gaming communities are toxic, it has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with the troll farm forums and discord servers they setup with the express intent to troll.

    I will also concede that maybe Garry is a fucking toxic ass person, and that might bring other toxic people, but its no worse than a COD lobby. I care about the game itself which is a successor to gmod. That sounds interesting to me and I would be willing to spend a fair amount of money for the game (of course not AAA prices or anything near that so we’ll see how that goes. This youtube video does bring up that there are trolls out there willing to defraud and stretch the truth to target Garry. That’s apparently fact.

    Overall, game interesting, people who make game, less so. If I knew every head developer for any major game, I’m sure many of those people would fall into that category, cough cough blizzard. All I see here is Gary creating new, creative works which is ironically the exact opposite of the criticisms you had for gmod. I’m just trying to understand what your real core argument is and where I can go to validate that info before making a judgement on whether or not to buy a SANDBOX game of all games.