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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024

  • I actually liked TLJ as well. Like others said, I liked these Force Connection scenes with Rey and Kylo, I liked how it dispatched Snoke, dismissing the idea of yet another Star Wars conflict being controlled by an evil old wizard and instead gives sets the way for a new story by giving Kylo Ren the reigns of the new empire (which was thrown in the trash by JJ in ep 9, which is the gravest sin for me of that film), and gives a plausible take on the seduction to the dark side and to the light side. I know these ideas were poorly implemented e.g. the proposition Kylo makes to Rey “Hey, look, I’ve killed the evil emperor! Join me and we can take this whole thing over. Let’s start by killing all your friends!”. What a great offer, Kylo. But still I liked that this was something new and more than just a rehash.

    What I also really loved is that not every character has to be related to the Skywalkers or another character of the other trilogies, again something JJ threw in the trash by ep 9. Why does Rey have to of some ancient magical lineage? I liked the idea that the force was running through people everywhere, even through slave kids on the casino planet. Everybody can be a hero, even if your parents or ancestors weren’t. Wait, what’s that, JJ? Everything was Palpatine all along? Never mind then.