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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I’d almost bet money it’s the otterbox. If it’s one of their older models, I would bet a small amount that’s what it is if it could be an anonymous bet and a good way to confirm. I’ve had a few otterbox cases over the years, and the older ones always degrade and get sticky, and it transfers. Their newer ones and colored ones don’t (or haven’t yet anyway), but I’ve stopped buying them because of it.

    You can’t fix it, you just have to toss the damn things.

  • Well, just glancing at it, it isn’t discord. It doesn’t connect to discord servers at all.

    What it does is replicate discord, in a way that allows users to still make use of things that discord users are already into. Bots in particular.

    So discord won’t have access to anything that goes on at all, unless you’re using something that also connects to discord.

    Pop-ups and fake notifications would have more to do with the client you’re using than the back-end would, so if you use a client that does those things, I wouldn’t bet on that changing.

    The caveat: I’m no dev of any kind, so I can’t say anything about the actual code, I’m basing this on their own description. I linked the page to my cousin that sometimes will give a quick scan for hinky shit for me, but there’s no telling if or when he’ll do so nd get back to me.

  • I feel the hell out of that.

    It’s part of why I married a millennial lol. Which sounds like an old school b movie. The horror! “I MARRIED A MILLENNIAL AND BARELY ESCAPED WITH MY SOUL!”

    But yeah, that extra sense of caring, that seems to keep going up, even with all the anxiety and uncertainty the younger set has. They aren’t afraid to help people, to reach out. Not saying everyone, but it’s a lot different than when I was a kid, or a teen, or a young man.

    It gives me hope, despite being a cynical old fart.

  • Well, no promises. 51 could be the top of the hill everyone says you get over, I dunno yet ;)

    No bullshit though, even with the bad things that I went through in my late thirties and early forties, the age part of my forties was awesome. It’s this wonderful balance of being automatically assumed to be a grown ass adult in any given situation until you prove otherwise, but also being allowed to indulge in hobbies without attention.

    And, for me, that’s when I hit peak confidence and self awareness.

    But, I’m enjoying the hell out of fifty so far. It’s like I hit a half century, and a lot of the bullshit of the world doesn’t bother me as much. Something comes up, and my first thought is “well, after a half century of this kind of bullshit, this is nothing”. It’s like magic lol.

  • that part was meant as a joke about old farts always saying the next generation is worse than their own.

    Tbh, no single generation is free of assholes, nor is any free of good people. That’s because people are assholes for the most part, and every generation has people that aren’t :)

    But, yeah, the amount of energy pumped into very niche things seems to be unusually high for kids currently. It never ceases to make me happy though.

  • Man, I’m 17 years older than you. It ain’t that different.

    You know, other than the aching joints, the gray hairs sprouting, having a strange urge to yell at anyone that steps on your grass (even if you don’t have grass), and a growing certainty that the newest generation are inherently crazy.

    But other than that, it’s exactly the same as 33.

  • I’m in the “if I can’t avoid them, I’m not playing the game long” camp.

    I don’t hate them, and they can be fun. But most of the games that do them make them impossible to bypass. Like others have already said, when you’re questing, they just derail the gameplay experience. There’s times that’s okay, but if a game has them often enough, it ends up making me hate the game and quit.

    It’s why I don’t go back an replay the final fantasy stuff.