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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • having to work within stone’s throw of a vending machine that i have to deal with people complaining about its fucking bullshit all the time, i feel like this sign is similar to the “whatever you do, DON’T go to scihub and download all your articles for free” “warning” that professors tell their students

  • florida’s a miserable oozing pustule on the cock of the earth. no seasons, no landscape, only assholes, mosquitos, asshole mosquitos, and tourists going to either disney or one of the shitty florida beaches with no waves, only red tide and scientologists. and enjoy the 95+ heat when a hurricane knocks your power out for 3 days.

    and despite being completely flat with nothing but the most boring straight roads anywhere, nobody knows how the fuck to drive. seriously wtf

    fuck florida. there’s no amount of money anyone could pay me to live there again